The Drop and The Glop | Sanjiv Saran | Book Review
The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran is a book set against the India-Pakistan war in 1965 and the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. So, an engrossing story with characters that will make a permanent place in your heart, read the book summary, genre, publication date, reading age, book quotes, and book review of The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran in this post below.

About The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran:
No. of Pages: 608
Publication Date: May 15th 2022 (first published December 21st 2021)
Genre: Literary Fiction, Literature, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Indian Writing, Debut, Indie Author
Reading Age: 21 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
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The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran Book Summary:
"Set against a background of War, Espionage, and Intense love, the story is character-driven, and explores multiple dimensions of human experience."- The Drop and The Glop @Sanjiv_Saran #BookReview #IARTG #NjkinnysBlog Share on XSet against a background of War, Espionage, and Intense love, the story is character-driven rather than plot-driven and explores multiple dimensions of human experience.“
Three people from different walks of life face upheavals and change in this character driven story set against India-Pakistan war in 1965 and the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. A simple tribal girl becomes a hardened soldier in the Pakistani army, a young dynamic man is given the reigns of a young nation, and a student finds his path in divinity.

The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran Book Review:
Some books are an experience that can only be truly felt by reading them yourself. Because no amount of words can really relay their magnificence. And this is what happened with Sanjiv Saran’s The Drop and the Glop.
When I first picked it up I thought this would be a run-of-the-mill espionage and war fiction. But as I progressed I was totally engrossed in the settings, plot, and the characters.
Sanjiv Saran’s writing is simple and yet feels so original. So, many times you will feel like every conversation is happening in real time making you a part of the drama. I could easily visualise the world painted in the story right from the crisp coolness of the Himalayas to the buzzing humidity of the Sunderbans.
This quote touched my heart. I love how there are good people in the world who are patient, loving, and accepting.
We are nomadic shepherds. No lines mark our homes; no land is ours. Our country is these mountains, these valleys.”
What is this border? I hear it’s just a line drawn by some stupid foreigner. We don’t need lines to tell us which is our country. “
We live happily with Hindu shepherds. And we celebrate each other’s festivals. On this side or that side, it doesn’t matter.”
Frankly I didn’t understand the title when I picked this book up to read. But was intrigued by the blurb and the cover. However, as I read the story I came to understand the significance of the title and what an ingenious title it is too!
Then with no grammatical errors, and well balanced scene shifts, this book is one that will transport you to the 1960s. And also give you the in-depth experience of a time of uncertainty, war, and changing world order.
This is a thick book of 500 plus pages but nowhere did I feel boredom. I was kept interested and turned pages eagerly to know more. A sink your teeth in story that needs to be savoured, and experienced, this book will keep you hooked from beginning to end.
All the characters are regular people with dreams, aspirations, and real life problems. And I easily connected with them. I shed tears with them, got angry on their behalf, and experienced joy along side them as they went ahead on their individual journeys in the story.
What an important life lesson this quote conveys!
Sure, we will all die someday – maybe that’s not a bad thing. But to feel like you’re dead when the world is alive and waiting for you to conquer it. What’s the trip in that?”
To feel like you’re dead when you should be flitting around this beautiful universe sipping at the pleasures of life and love and hope, and all the fun and laughter. Even if tears come tumbling after.”
Also worth mentioning and applauding:
Also I loved how the author changed and updated the story based on the reviewers’ critique. So, if this doesn’t show the author’s dedication to improve then what does?
All in all, The Drop and the Glop by Sanjiv Saran is a full package that promises a memorable experience and trip down history to a time when India was still newly independent, Bangladesh was not yet in existence, and Pakistan was still trying to get its groove. A book that will appeal to all historical fiction lovers, and people interested in getting a close insight into a time of upheaval, this book is must read and a perfect gift. So, 4.5 out of 5 stars to it and Njkinny recommends this engaging book to all adult readers.
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