romantic suspense

Book ReviewMysteryromance

#BookReview: Carrying His Secret (The Adair Affairs #1) by Marie Ferrarella

The story of Carrying His Secret starts on a thrilling and dangerous note when the main heroine Elizabeth accidentally finds her boss dying in his office when she returns to get some papers and from then her life is in danger because the murderer thinks that she has witnessed the murder and so knows his identity!
Fearful for her life, her boss’ son Whit comes to her rescue and takes her to his home to protect her. Read the Romantic Suspense Book Review by Njkinny on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewfantasyMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromancescience fiction and fantasy

Book Review: Caressed by Ice (Psy-Changeling #3) by Nalini Singh

Title and Author: Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh No. of Pages: 352 Series: Psy-Changeling #3 Publication: September 4th, 2007 by Berkley Sensation Genre: Paranormal

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Book ReviewMysteryNjkinny Favouritesromancethriller

River’s End | Nora Roberts| Book Review | An engaging Romantic Suspense

River’s End by Nora Roberts is a standalone romantic suspense. Featuring a heroine who lost her parents as a child in a traumatic incident which also left her with blocked memories of that time, this edge-of-your-seat atmospheric romantic thriller kept me engrossed until the very end. So, read the book summary, reading age, book release date, genre, and book review of River’s End by Nora Roberts on Njkinny’s Blog.

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