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The Settled Homeless | Rover V | Book Review

The Settled Homeless by Rover V is a contemporary fiction that follows the life of a nomadic academician, Ted, as he traverses life’s many challenges to ultimately find his happy ending. So, read the book summary, genre, book quotes, reading age, book release date, and book review of The Settled Homeless by Rover V on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Krishna Deva Raya : The Crown of Vijayanagara | Abhijeeth Hiliyana | Book Review | Indian Historical Fiction

Krishna Deva Raya : The Crown of Vijayanagara by Abhijeeth Hiliyana is the sequel to “Krishna Deva Raya: The Boy who would be King”. This book chronicles the later years of legendary Indian King, Krishna Deva Raya, and even features his relationship with his witty courtier Tenali Rama. So, read the book summary, age rating, release date, genre, book quotes, and book review of Krishna Deva Raya : The Crown of Vijayanagara by Abhijeeth Hiliyana on Njkinny’s Blog

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Conversations Across America | Kari Loya | Book Review | A Father and Son, Alzheimer’s, and 300 Conversations Along the TransAmerica Bike Trail that Capture the Soul of America

Conversations Across America by Kari Loya is a vividly written travelogue and emotional memoir of his and his father’s last bike trip across the TransAmerica Bike Trail. A book that talks of relationships especially a father-son’s, the impact of Alzheimer’s on not only the patient but his family too, and brings the beauty of America to a reader. So, read the book summary, release date, genre, age rating, and book review of Conversations Across America by Kari Loya on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromancethriller

Book Review: Fallen by Mia Sheridan | A spooky romantic suspense thriller

Fallen by Mia Sheridan is yet another fabulous romantic suspense, thriller book from this extremely talented author. A haunted house, a town with a strange and disconcerting feel, and long-ago secrets that now threaten the very existence and sanity of Scarlett and her daughter, Fallen by Mia Sheridan will have chills running down your spine as you sit entranced and totally engrossed by this intense, spooky, emotional, and overall memorable story! Read the blurb, publication history, genre, favourite quotes and book review of Fallen by Mia Sheridan on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromancethriller

All Kinds of Wrong | Shilpa Suraj | Book Review |An Opposite Attracts Romantic Thriller

All Kinds of Wrong by Shilpa Suraj is an edgy stalker romantic thriller featuring a lifestyle guru heroine, and an Intelligence Agency spy hero. Full of nail biting suspense, goosebumps inducing thrill, and heartbreaking past demons, read the book summary, book quotes, genre, age rating, and book review of All Kinds of Wrong by Shilpa Suraj on Njkinny’s Blog

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Krishna Deva Raya : The Boy Who would be King | Abhijeeth Hiliyana | Book Review | Indian Historical Fiction

Krishna Deva Raya : The Boy who would be King by Abhijeeth Hiliyana is the part 1 of his “Krishna Deva Raya Book Series”. This book narrates the story of the initial years of famous Indian King, Krishna Deva Raya of Kingdom Vijayanagar. So, read the book summary, release date, genre, age rating, book quotes, and book review of Krishna Deva Raya : The Boy who would be King by Abhijeeth Hiliyana on Njkinny’s Blog

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Gaia’s Own | Dharshana Bajaj | Book Review | Every Child’s Guide To Living In Harmony With Nature

Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj is her debut book. This is a creative non-fiction book, for preteens, young adults, and anyone interested in learning more about the interdependence between mankind and the natural world. So, read the book summary, release date, genre, age rating, book quotes, and book review of Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Travis | Mia Sheridan | Book Review | Follow-up story to “Archer’s Voice”

Travis by Mia Sheridan is the follow-up story or Sequel to her bestselling romance “Archer’s Voice“. While “Archer’s Voice” was

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Torn | Anna C | Book Review | Heartbreaker Series | A Dark Thriller Romance

Torn by Anna C is the second book in the “Heartbreaker Series” that continues the story of Naila and Aadhyaman. I adored the first book, “Broken” and eagerly grabbed this book as soon as it released. So, read the book summary, genre, release date, age rating, and book review of Torn by Anna C on Njkinny’s Blog.

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