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Book Reviewromance

#BookReview: Something Old, Something New ~ Seven bestselling authors, Seven second-chance Romances in One Anthology

Something Old Something New Anthology is the latest collection of short romances from 7 bestselling authors. These are second chance romances that will interest all romance lovers. Read the publication history and review on Njkinny’s Blog

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Book ReviewChildren'sNjkinny Favourites

Book Review: The Daughter from a Wishing Tree: Unusual Tales about Women in Mythology by Sudha Murty

The Daughter from a Wishing Tree by Sudha Murty is a simply yet vividly written collection of stories featuring moral based stories about women from Indian mythology. A perfect read not only for adults but also children, this is one book that all parents should buy and read to their kids and/or let them read it themselves. Read the publication history, genre, summary and book review of The Daughter from a Wishing Tree: Unusual Tales about Women in Mythology by Sudha Murty on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromance

His Royal Highness | R S Grey | Book Review | A Fun, Passionate, Fairy tale Romance

His Royal Highness by R S Grey is a fun, passionate, fairy tale romance. So, read the book summary, book

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author featuresBook BlitzBook ReviewMysterythriller

Justice Gone | N Lombardi Jr | Book Review | Book Feature

Justice Gone by N Lombardi Jr is a heartfelt legal thriller that recently won the prestigious National Indie Excellence Awards for Legal Thriller (2019). So, read the book review, blurb, author bio, and more book recommendations on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesromance

Book Review: Bound by Revenge by MV Kasi, PG Van (The Singham Bloodlines #1) | The Best Books of 2018

I am so happy that I found The Singham Bloodlines series and absolutely thrilled to share with you all my heartfelt rave about these beautifully written books. Read on to know why Bound by Revenge came to be in Njkinny’s List of The Best Books of 2018 and go grab this book to read! Read Bound by Revenge by MV Kasi, PG Van Book Review, an Adult Romance on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Danika | Varsha Dixit | Romance Book Review | The Best Books of 2018

Danika by Varsha Dixit is the new release from the Author. It was one of my last read books of 2018. Heartfelt and rich in emotion with engaging story line and endearing characters, this book has earned its place in Njkinny’s list of the Best Books of 2018. So, read Book Summary, Book Review, Book Quotes of Danika by Varsha Dixit on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesromance

BookReview: The Soldier Prince by Aarti V Raman (Royals of Stellangård Saga #1) ~The Best Books of 2018

A royal romantic suspense, The Soldier Prince by Aarti V Raman has a prince living in disguise and a spunky heroine. Lots of sizzling chemistry, thrilling suspense and a happy ending that will leave you swooning, read the book summary, publication history, genre and book review of The Soldier Prince by Aarti V Raman on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesromance

Book Review: Wedding Shenanigans: Or, how Rayna grapples with heartbreak, scandal and a hot hotelier by Adite Banerjie

Wedding Shenanigans: Or, how Rayna grapples with heartbreak, scandal and a hot hotelier by Adite Banerjie was previously published as “Trouble Has a New Name”. A fun, and entertaining holiday romance, read my book review on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewMysterythriller

The Girl in Room 105 | Chetan Bhagat | Book Review | An Unlove Story

The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat is his venture into a new genre. India’s most selling author Chetan Bhagat has now gone the Mystery/Thriller route. As specified by the author, this is not a love story but “an unlove story”.

So, this is the “unlove story” of once lovers- Zara and Keshav. Keshav is obsessed with Zara who has moved on. So, when he receives a meeting request from her, it is like a second chance. But what happens next is a journey that takes the readers places and makes them feel a myriad of emotions. 

So, read the publication date, genre, buy links, book summary and book review of The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat on Njkinny’s Blog.

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