The Settled Homeless | Rover V | Book Review
The Settled Homeless by Rover V is a contemporary fiction that follows the life of a nomadic academician, Ted, as he traverses life’s many challenges to ultimately find his happy ending. So, read the book summary, genre, book quotes, reading age, book release date, and book review of The Settled Homeless by Rover V in this post below.

About The Settled Homeless by Rover V:
No. of Pages: 334
Release Date: August 10th 2022 by Sreekumar Banerjee
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Indian Fiction, Indie Author, Debut Author, Literary Fiction
Reading Age: 21 years and above (No explicit content but the age rating is still this considering the sophistication of the theme and the language)
Can be read as a standalone? YES
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The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Summary:
According to the author this book is “Written in superb style and language, the story reveals the simple personae underneath the peak of global academic and professional eminence – their weal and woe being so easy to feel. It also proves how much these nomadic scholars unknowingly pine for the warmth and affection of a cozy home.”

The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Review:
When I first heard of this book, from the title and cover I assumed it to be a light satirical story of a teenaged protagonist going through life’s woes. But once I started reading it, I was so pleasantly surprised. This book not only engages but also gives readers food for thought on many relatable life challenges we have all faced at one or the other times in our lives. So, an intelligent piece of fiction from a learned man of experience, this book doesn’t conform to one genre but touches on social, self-help, contemporary, coming-of-age, and domestic topics as the story progresses.
I took a long time to finally get down to writing a review for it because this book is difficult to review. There are hidden layers to it, and every time you re-read it, you find a new lesson in it. So, I kept revisiting it! But here is my review, and while there is so much to say about this book, I have tried my best to bring out the allure of this story.
Things I liked:
I loved the distinct style of storytelling. This is the author’s debut book. But despite that he expertly takes readers on a roller coaster ride enriched with emotions, personal and professional dilemmas, social challenges, and angst.
Then his writing style is lyrical. And even though a bit meandering at places, I sat engaged throughout.
The character of Ted is complex. And it was fun watching him evolve as the story progresses. From a lonely child yearning for family to his progression to a literary minded practical man of the world, his many facets will connect with all readers. We have all faced one or more similar emotions, dilemmas, and challenges in our lives.
I was a bit awed by his person, and could not connect to him as a friend. He stayed a serious and mature person more reminiscent of one of my college professors who always left me wonderstruck!
Then there is Nelly. She is an ambitious young woman who made a mistake, and is still paying for it. Her determination to rise above gossip, and challenges she faces in college to pursue her career are so inspiring. I loved her character and while I connected with her as a woman, she, too, felt like a respected elder in my mind.
Ted and Nelly’s relationship as mentor and mentee, and its gradual development into a love story is beautifully developed. Even the COVID epidemic is used expertly to not only educate readers but also take the story forward. Then when Ted finally realised that he loved Nelly, I rejoiced!
Pushing our notepads away and dropping my phone, I leaned over Nelly to bring my mouth very close to her ear and whispered a short sentence of only three words, a statement she had never heard me make mindfully. Each word, articulated with precision, echoed my soul’s conviction.”
‘I love you,’ I told Nelly.
Both the protagonists behaved far more maturely, composedly than the usual emotion ridden protagonists we often find in love stories. So, you can expect to see serious and mentally stimulating discussions, Life lessons to live by, and an inspiring journey meeting disparate people.
Profound and Quotable Book Quotes:
I absolutely loved the many profound quotes in this book. There are so many quotes on life lessons that are to live by.
the intensity of living determines the quality of life.”
This quote is so uplifting and definitely a way we should all adopt in our lives.
everything is possible. Unless we replace “everything” with “many things” and “is” with “maybe”. Whether something is possible or not can be concluded only after taking our minds through all probable routes leading to it.”
This quote is so true, and something we often forget.
In the voyage of your life, never remain rigid about the destination so long as you enjoy the thrill of the journey.”
Another one of Ted’s gems that not only helped Nelly but will also inspire readers too!
Nothing is too late, as long as you can retain your courage and stamina and remain open to paying the price of necessary course corrections, post any such discovery.”
The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Quote
I got so teary eyed when Ted said this to Nelly, and helped her gain the confidence to move forward.
‘Whenever you may anticipate any imminent adversity, evident or unfounded, don’t start running away – remain prepared to combat it. The threat perception will be blown away, leaving you a confident Nelly again, protected by a strengthened sense of security.”
The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Quote
This is one quote that again shocked me with its frankness and inherent validity of its truth.
The ghosts chase only those who get scared easily because ghosts never exist in reality. The imaginations of the fearful minds give shape to them.”
The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Quote
Things that could be better:
While I enjoyed this book, there are a few things that I think can be improved upon.
First is the pace of the story. It is slow paced and kept meandering with long dialogues, and monologues. So, a more crisper pace with simpler dialogues would have improved this story’s engagement factor.
Second is the staidness of the protagonists. They are both too serious, philosophical, and mature to be relatable to readers. Ted was a professor and a learner man far removed from the Then even when Nelly started showing emotional outbursts, it all felt a bit unreal. I also wanted to see their angst, yearning, and then the final frank heart baring in their love story.
Third, there is more telling than showing. In the later part of the book Nelly practically retells the whole story which felt unnecessary and dragged the story. It could have been made engrossing by editing out the parts readers already knew to only include parts that had been in the background until now.
Ted’s viewpoint on philosophy is eye-opening.
‘What do you think of philosophy, Nelly? Just the name of another subject from a syllabus? To teach, study or write term papers on? You are mistaken, then; philosophy is a way of looking into life. “
The Settled Homeless by Rover V Book Quote
“There is a philosopher in every human being, including you and me, hidden or unveiled. When invoked, the philosopher helps us penetrate deeply into a puzzle, incisively separating the parts into simple and solvable units that look so complex when interwoven. The philosophy makes a conscious mind note the new lessons learned through every experience worth remembering and relate those to the existing knowledge. It reconciles both after resolving any conflict to finally arrive at a consistent and extended knowledge base, sharpening the mind further to prepare for the next challenge.”
All in all, The Settled Homeless by Rover V is a novel and unusual kind of book that entertains, makes you ponder on life’s vagaries, and then gives you hope that there is a happy end for everyone. So, this is a complex story with a philosophical bend to it. And I am so glad I picked this book up to read.
Njkinny recommends this debut novel to all mature readers looking for a deep, intellectual, and beautiful story. So, 4 out of 5 stars to it from me, and I look forward to reading more from Rover V in the future.
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Meet Author Rover V:
Rover, a veteran corporate research and development leader of many IT giants in multiple countries, has relinquished his earlier roles and taken up the pen to share many truths his rich experience has gathered.
His debut novel, “The Settled Homeless”, a literary fiction, was released in August 2022.
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