“Reminders of Him” | Colleen Hoover | Romance Book Review
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover is the latest romance from the Bestselling author. A story of a young mother’s struggle to find a second chance with her kid, redemption for her past sins, and a chance at love, this book is an emotional and hopeful story. So, read the book summary, genre, publication date, reading age, book quotes, similar book recommendations, and book review of Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover in this post below.

About Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover:
No. of Pages: 336
Publication Date: 18th January 2022 by Montlake
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult, Adult Romance, Tearjerker
Reading Age: 18 years and above
Can it be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Summary:
"one night of alcohol mixed with a tragedy ruined the last five years of my life…" #BookQuote & #BookReview #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on Xone night of alcohol mixed with a tragedy ruined the last five years of my life…”
Kenna Rowan’s life changed in one night when an accident killed her boyfriend and left her jailed for five years. Now free from prison, she is determined to get to know her daughter. But despite all her efforts to prove herself as responsible and reformed, everyone in her daughter’s life is equally determined to keep Rowan away from her daughter.
Then she meets her ex’s best friend who is the sole person who supports her. But will Rowan be able to get her second chance at life, happiness, and love?

Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Review:
OMG! This book is EVERYTHING!
Colleen Hoover brings yet another heartbreaking, inspiring, and memorable story of redemption and forgiveness through Reminders of Him. I absolutely sat engrossed throughout and got no work done as I read this book.
Kenna Rowan:
Rowan is a woman misunderstood and one who was always dealt the harsh hand by life. With an absentee mother, no father, no security in life, the only happiness she got was with Scotty. Their life was set but then one horrible night left him dead and her life shattered.
I cried so much as I followed Rowan on her harrowing journey of guilt, self-loathing, heartbreak, humiliation, loneliness, public shunning, hatred and then the crushing yearning for her kid. She is a character who should be bitter, and jaded but is instead naive, compassionate, and selfless.
"I have a daughter I have never held. She has a scent I have never smelled. She has a name I have never yelled." #BookQuote #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on XI have a daughter I have never held. She has a scent I have never smelled. She has a name I have never yelled.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
My heart ached as I read her thoughts, followed her on her attempts to prove herself, and yet still get the cold shoulder and hatred from everyone. Her experiences in the prison, with her mother, and the internal self-hatred had me feeling so much anger and sympathy for her. She is so starved for simple kindness and affection that even the smallest act of kindness has her crying. It was devastating watching Rowan and seeing her fall and then stand up again. So, she is a strong heroine and now one of my favourite female leads of all time.
“No caramel,” he says.
Best I could do for not-a-coffee-shop.” He probably thinks he just made a bougie drink for a spoiled girl who’s used to having eight-dollar coffee every day. He has no idea how long it’s been since I’ve had a decent cup of coffee. Even in the months I spent in transitional housing, they served prison coffee to the prison girls with prison pasts.
I could cry. I do cry. As soon as he gives his attention to someone at the other end of the bar, I take a drink of my coffee and close my eyes and cry because life can be so fucking cruel and hard, and I’ve wanted to quit living it so many times, but then moments like these remind me that happiness isn’t some permanent thing we’re all trying to achieve in life, it’s merely a thing that shows up every now and then, sometimes in tiny doses that are just substantial enough to keep us going.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
Ledger is a hero who instantly endeared himself to me. He is loyal, a good friend, and a decent human being. His care for his best friend’s daughter, and his compassion towards a stranger had me sighing in pure delight.
"I don’t feel right guessing her tragedy…I want good things for her because it seems like she hasn’t had a good thing in a long, long time." #BookQuote #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on XI don’t respond to him…don’t feel right guessing her tragedy…I want good things for her because it seems like she hasn’t had a good thing in a long, long time.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
Romance aspect:
The attraction between Ledger and Rowan was instant and a bit too swift for me but I let this go because of all the emotional upheaval going on. So, the romance is explosive, hot, and yet riddled with guilt that makes it more realistic.
Ledger’s grief at losing his friend and keeping his memory alive is something that won me over.
Maybe it doesn’t matter whether something is a coincidence or a sign. Maybe the best way to cope with the loss of the people we love is to find them in as many places and things as we possibly can. And in the off chance that the people we lose are still somehow able to hear us, maybe we should never stop talking to them.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
Other characters:
The character sketches of Scotty and his parents is also realistically done. They are all flawed and relatable people.
The in-laws’ fears and unwillingness to give Rowan a place in her daughter’s life is something that we have read about, or seen around us in similar cases. However, the one thing that makes this book one with a happy ending is the goodness of their hearts that has them ultimately believing Rowan and giving her a chance. So, had they been bad people or unwilling to believe a woman they believed killed their only son, this book wouldn’t end the way it did.
Rowan’s prison friend, Ivy’s advice stuck a cord with me. What she says is so applicable to all of us.
"you decide right now, right here. Are you gonna live in your sadness or are you gonna die in it?”"I'm gonna live in it." #BookQuote #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on X…you decide right now, right here. Are you gonna live in your sadness or are you gonna die in it?”
I’m gonna live in it.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
She doesn’t give a pep talk but frankly tells Rowan that this sadness is her new normal and that she could either live with it or let it consume her. And I loved her for it. So, she is a true friend.
"Regret keeps you stuck on pause. So does prison. When you get out of here, make sure you hit play so you don’t forget to move forward.” #BookQuote #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on X“Regret keeps you stuck on pause. So does prison. When you get out of here, make sure you hit play so you don’t forget to move forward.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
All in all, Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover is another emotional, and memorable story that will leave a permanent impression on your heart and mind. I cried my eyes out and adored every second spent reading this book. Then jumped in joy when Rowan finally forgave herself and got a happy end for herself. So, 4.5 out of 5 stars to it and Njkinny recommends this must read book to all readers above the age of eighteen.
"Now that I’ve forgiven myself, the reminders of him only make me smile." #BookQuotes & #BookReview #RemindersOfHim by @colleenhoover on #NjkinnysBlog Share on XNow that I’ve forgiven myself, the reminders of him only make me smile.”
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Quote
Go grab this absolutely stunning romance book to read and gift it to your loved ones!
An emotional and heartbreakingly hopeful story of a woman whose one mistake crashes her life, keep tissues ready when reading this beautiful story!“
Njkinny’s Review of Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover
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