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My Experiments with Truth | Book Review | Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography

Mahatma Gandhi or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, one of the most iconic leaders in history especially Indian history, left behind a legacy of wisdom, compassion, and non-violence. His autobiography My Experiments with Truth chronicles his early life as well as his journey to becoming a leader who lead billions of Indians to take down the British rule in India. This book is one of those reads that will change your life for the better. So, read the book summary, favourite book quotes, and book review of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi in this post below.

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography Book Hardcover, Book Review, Book Summary, Book Release Date, Book Quotes, Reading Age, Genre, Key messages on Njkinny's Blog
Discover the timeless lessons from Gandhi's My Experiments with Truth 📖🌿. Explore our review and inspiring quotes that shaped a global movement of peace and resilience. ✨ Read more on #NjkinnysBlog! #Gandhi… Share on X

About My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi:

No. of Pages: 448

Book Release Date: 1925 in Gujarati

Genre: Autobiography, Non-Fiction, Memoir, Biography, History, Indian history

Reading Age: 15 years and above

Buy From: AMAZON

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M.K. Gandhi Book Summary:

My Experiments with Truth is the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, where he reflects on his life journey, values, and the principles that shaped his actions. Originally published as weekly instalments in his Gujarati newsletter, this book covers his early childhood in India, his education in England, and his legal practice in South Africa, where he first encountered racial discrimination. It was here that Gandhi began his experiments with non-violent resistance, or Satyagraha, which later became central to India’s struggle for independence.

Gandhi candidly shares personal challenges, including his spiritual growth, struggles with self-discipline, and his unwavering commitment to truth (Satya) and non-violence (Ahimsa). He discusses his experiments with vegetarianism, simplicity, and celibacy, all of which were part of his pursuit of self-purification. Through his reflections, readers gain insights into his philosophy of life, leadership, and his profound dedication to service and justice.

So, this book offers not only a glimpse into Gandhi’s personal life but also serves as a guide for those seeking to live with integrity, compassion, and a sense of moral duty. 

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography Book Review, Book Summary, Book Release Date, Book Quotes, Reading Age, Genre, Key messages on Njkinny's Blog

My Experiments with Truth : Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi Book Review:

Mahatma Gandhi’s My Experiments with Truth is more than just an autobiography—it’s a deep dive into the life and philosophy of one of the most influential figures in history. Reading this book feels like sitting down with Gandhi himself as he opens up about his life, beliefs, and the personal trials that shaped his unique outlook on truth, non-violence, and simplicity. Also his autobiography covers the period from his birth (1869) to the year 1921. 

After that 1921, this quote he shares in the last chapter says it all why he didn’t write about his life further.

My life from this point onward has been so public that there is hardly anything about it that people do not know…”

Why Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi is a Must-Read:

  • A First-Hand Account of Gandhi’s Life:

The book provides an intimate look at Gandhi’s childhood in India, his journey to England for education, and his experiences in South Africa, where he developed his concept of Satyagraha (non-violent resistance). These insights allow readers to understand the real person behind the legend.

  • A Guide to Living a Purposeful Life:

M.K. Gandhi’s relentless pursuit of truth (Satya) and non-violence (Ahimsa) is at the heart of this book. His “experiments” with diet, celibacy, and simplicity are meant to inspire readers to focus on self-discipline and personal growth.

The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him. Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth.”

  • Timeless Values for Today’s World:

The core values Mahatma Gandhi stood for—truth, justice, equality, and non-violence—remain incredibly relevant today. His approach to resolving conflict peacefully offers powerful lessons for anyone navigating personal or societal challenges in the modern world.

A powerful Quote that shows Mahatma Gandhi’s determination in his quest for justice.

Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”

'Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.' 🙌📚 #GandhiQuotes #Justice + #BookReview #MyExperimentsWithTruth on… Share on X
  • The Book’s Global Influence:

My Experiments with Truth is famous because it doesn’t just tell Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s story; it shares his philosophy that influenced movements for civil rights and freedom across the globe. Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela drew inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi’s approach.

Who Should Read My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi:

  • Anyone Interested in History or Social Change:

Gandhiji’s life and actions had a profound impact on world history, especially India’s independence from British rule. If you’re interested in understanding the roots of non-violent resistance or the Indian independence movement, this book is essential.

  • People Seeking Personal Growth:

Gandhiji’s focus on self-discipline and living with integrity offers valuable lessons for those wanting to lead a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Men often become what they believe themselves to be.If I believe I cannot do something,it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can , then I acquire the ability to do it even If I didn’t have it in the beginning.”

'Men often become what they believe themselves to be…when I believe I can , then I acquire the ability to do it even If I didn't have it in the beginning.' 🙌📚 #GandhiQuotes #Believe + #BookReview #MyExperimentsWithTruth… Share on X
  • Aspiring Leaders:

For anyone in leadership roles, the book is full of lessons on how to lead with humility, integrity, and a commitment to justice.

Mahatma Gandhi very clearly defines duty.

Our duty is very simple and plain. We want to serve the community, and in our own humble way to serve the Empire. We believe in the righteousness of the cause, which it is our privilege to espouse. We have an abiding faith in the mercy of the Almighty God, and we have firm faith in the British Constitution. That being so, we should fail in our duty if we wrote anything with a view to hurt.”

Click to grab this gorgeous edition of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi:

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography Book Hardcover Jacket, Book Review, Book Summary, Book Release Date, Book Quotes, Reading Age, Genre, Key messages on Njkinny's Blog


In words of Mahatma Gandhi, he describes his autobiography “My Experiments with Truth” the best.

It is not my purpose to attempt a real autobiography. I simply want to tell the story of my numerous experiments with truth, and as my life consists of nothing but those experiments, it is true that the story will take the shape of an autobiography.”

All in all, what makes My Experiments with Truth so compelling is Gandhiji’s honesty. He doesn’t present himself as perfect but openly shares his mistakes, doubts, and the constant learning that shaped him into the leader he became. The conversational tone and candid nature of the book make it easy to relate to, while the lessons it offers are timeless. It’s a powerful read for anyone who’s looking to understand the power of truth, self-improvement, and living with purpose.

So, a must read book, Njkinny recommends this autobiography that will change your life. A perfect gifting option, this one is not-to-be-missed.

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Curious about Gandhi's journey of self-discovery? Dive into our review of My Experiments with Truth and uncover powerful quotes on truth, non-violence, and personal growth. 🙌📚 #GandhiQuotes #BookLovers #Truth #BookReview Share on X

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