Devious Lies | Parker S Huntington | Book Review | An Angsty Enemies-to-Lovers Romance
“Devious Lies” by Parker S Huntington is an angsty age gap contemporary romance novel that tells the story of Emery and Nash, two individuals from different worlds who find themselves entangled in a complex web of deceit and desire. So, read the book release date, genre, reading age, book summary, book quotes, and book review of Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington in this post below.

About Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington:
No. of Pages: 702
Publication Date: 14th December 2019
Genre: Adult Romance, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Enemies-to-Lovers, Slow Burn, Angsty Romance, Spicy Romance, Hot Romance, Indie Author, Age Gap
Series: Cruel Crown Book 1
Reading Age: 18 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Summary:
This angsty and suspenseful romance tells the story of Emery and Nash, two individuals from different worlds who find themselves entangled in a complex web of deceit and desire.
At the beginning of the novel, Emery is introduced as a determined and fiercely loyal woman still reeling from her parents’ sins that have affected so many innocent people, including her best friend, Reed’s family. Then there is Nash, Reed’s elder brother, who has always left her feeling turbulent emotions.
Ever since his father’s death for which he blames Emery’s family, Nash has one goal and one goal only. He wants revenge.
Death was an easy route; long, drawn-out suffering pleased me more.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
So he has been looking for her father, and evidence to get them prosecuted. Also caught in a quicksand of guilt, penance, and revenge, he is bitter, jaded, and often comes across as rude.
Movies like Taken and John Wick skewed the general public’s conceptions of revenge. It didn’t happen in a day. Like all things worth doing, revenge—true revenge, the type meant to annihilate its target—took time.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
When they meet again after years, the tables have turned. Nash is now a Billionaire while Emery is homeless, hungry, and struggling to make ends meet. Emery starts working as part of the design team for one of his upcoming hotels. And amidst taunts and red hot attraction, they find themselves falling for each other despite their better judgment. As their relationship deepens, they are forced to confront their pasts and the secrets they have been keeping from each other, leading to a series of twists and turns that keep the reader engaged until the very end.
This quote so beautifully describes Nash and Emery’s star crossed love story.
Nash was so broken, it was almost beautiful how he had erected walls of thorns and poison ivy around himself. A haunted castle armed with insults as cannons; two staggering, hate-filled eyes as guards; and a lonely king who never abandoned his throne for fear it would collapse. And me? I was the fallen princess destined to never step inside his fortress.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote

Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Review:
This book broke me. My emotions were so intense that everything felt like a tsunami happening to me in reality. This is one of those books that jumped out of the fictional world to affect my real one. I felt wrung out and yet like a addict, wanted more.
So, in short this book forced me to return to it again and again. I absolutely loved the emotional trauma, the magical words, the soul searing quotes, and the romance that is one of the very best. Featuring flawed characters who make no claim to perfection, this love story is one of the most perfect ones I have ever read.
One of the strengths of “Devious Lies” is its well-drawn characters, particularly Emery and Nash. Both these characters are troubled, complex, and multifaceted. They have their own flaws, their own struggles, and unashamedly unique. They don’t comply with society’s rules, and I loved their strength, determination, and heart.
Emery’s realisation as a kid of things such as her father’s love will resonate with each of us.
On my ninth birthday, I’d learned that my dad loved me fiercely, storms were magic, and unique words were the prayers that fueled them.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
My heart broke as I watched Emery’s struggles.
The person I’d become since The Winthrop Scandal would never have earned my respect back then. One moment, fearless to the point of reckless, jumping with little regard for consequences. And the next moment, spineless, both victim and victimizer. A bear ensnared by a simple trap, once mighty, now fallen. Once a tiger. Now a whelp.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
This quote is so true and one to live by!
I never wasted my time explaining myself to anyone. Ten out of ten times, people have already made up their minds about you. Time is too valuable to waste it on people devoted to misunderstanding you.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Then the chemistry between them is palpable, and the slow-burn romance is both satisfying and believable. I shed so many tears as I followed these two on their journey to redemption, and a happily-ever-after. Their torture became my own, and their yearning mine to experience.
This couple had me wishing to experience a love so explosive and yet as much enduring that nothing can shake it.
Supporting characters:
The author has created magic with the supporting cast as well. We get Reed, the golden boy who was sheltered by his family. But this sheltering led him to despise his brother, Nash. Then there is also Nash’s parents who represent good people with values. Poor yet with morals, they love each other and easily accept the ignored daughter of their employers as family.
Emery’s father again had me smiling. He made me remember my own father with his patience and love for his daughter. Ready to balter with her and accepting any and every quirk of his daughter, he is a good father.
To dance—artlessly, with no grace, no skill, but always with enjoyment. All you have to do is ask. I will always be here to balter with you.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
I cried so hard when her father said this.
You’re my daughter, Emery Winthrop. Always have been. Always will be. We don’t need blood to bond us when we’ve got love.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Emery’s mother is the typical selfish and greedy socialite. Self-centered, she has no maternal feelings for her only daughter.
I also loved Nash’s friend, Delilah who is a strong woman not afraid to call Nash out on his bullying. She has an ugly dog and I thoroughly enjoyed their dynamics. Plus I am also intrigued by her backstory of meeting her husband who is hinted as being royalty. So, definitely a spicy romance story in there.
I also enjoyed meeting Maggie and her twins. A woman who has fallen in poverty after her husband is killed by an IED, I loved her sunny personality despite her less than comfortable circumstances. I hope I get to read a happy ending for her too.
Then we meet Asher Black and Lucy from Parker S Huntington’s Mafia Romance Book, “Asher Black” again in this book. And I was thrilled to meet my favourite couple again and see them so happy together!
Writing Style:
The writing in “Devious Lies” is also noteworthy, with Huntington’s prose flowing smoothly and engagingly. The pacing is well-done, with the plot moving along at a brisk but not rushed pace. The use of dual points of view adds depth and complexity to the story, and the various subplots are skillfully woven together to create a cohesive and satisfying narrative.
There are swear words freely used and the hero loves coming across as rude, a bully and crass but everything is done with a purpose and in my opinion, adds to the impact of this brutally honest story.
I laughed so hard at this very true quote about Commercial Flights.
Commercial flights weren’t made for anyone taller than a toddler or wider than a stick of gum. The C.I.A. must’ve designed this shit as a torture experiment. Cram two-hundred people into a forty-five-ton hunk of metal, force them to pay for it, and see who cracks first.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Does Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington have explicit sex scenes?
Yes, this book contains open door explicit sex scenes that are erotic in nature. But the emotional balance with the physical aspect make these scenes tasteful and heartfelt. However, due to the sex scenes and the dirty talk, this book is suited for adult readers above the age of eighteen.
Out of all the lies, my favorite was you and me.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Things that could be better:
While this book is perfection and I absolutely adored it, the resolution of the main scandal conflict felt a bit rushed and not fully fleshed out. I still can’t make out why some people got jailed and yet the main culprit was left free. And even though, it is said that her circumstances were less than favourable in the end but still I wanted to see her facing the consequences.
Magic New Words:
“I love words, because they’re mine. Utterly, completely mine. I can share them with others. I can keep them to myself. I can use them over and over again. No matter what I do, they’ll always be mine. No one can take them from me. Want to know what the best part is?”
The existence of a word proves that someone in the history of humanity felt the same way I did and gave it a name. It means we’re not alone. If there’s a word for what we’re feeling, we’re never alone.”
The heroine, Emery loves words and collects new words. She has a habit of murmuring unknown words that she calls her magic words and even prints them on her t-shirts. I loved learning so many new magic words through this book. All these words have such beautiful meanings and you will be compelled to note them down for future use. Thank you to the author for enriching my vocabulary with such heartfelt words.
Redamancy- The act of loving the one who loves you. A love returned in full.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Moira- Moira is fate. It’s the threads that bind us together.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Memorable quotes that will make a permanent place in your heart.
This book is full of memorable quotes that left me emotional, swooning, and then totally in love. I adored each and every quote and frantically highlighted all of them!
This is a life lesson each one of us needs to remember.
Storms will always rage. Don’t run from them. Face them. Some things in life can only be learned in a storm.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Isn’t this the truth!
“I think no one is rare. No one is special. Everyone just wants to be.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
This quote hit me hard!
I had learned long ago that there was no such thing as a truly selfless act. People are hardwired to believe charity is selfless. In reality, charity is giving to yourself by giving to others. That’s not selfless. That’s penance.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
So, “Devious Lies” is a book that left me emotionally rich, heart full of love, a believer in fate, and a fan of true love!
Fate is the Universe kicking Coincidence’s ass. We are an example of Fate proving to the world it exists. Come back to me?”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
I totally believe this quote.
“Things happen for a reason…You’ve got to trust that.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
A quote with a truth to always remember.
I hadn’t realized it back then, but small moments matter most. Millions of raindrops dance together to form a storm, but a single drop is just a tear. Lonely. Tiny. Insignificant.”
Devious Lies by Parker S Huntington Book Quote
Emery and Nash’s love story is one of my absolute favourite Romances:
if I could give you anything,…I’d give you the ability to look at yourself through my eyes. You’d see that you are not the storm. You are lightning in the storm. You are what pierces through the clouds and shines brightest. You’d see exactly why I love you.”
And these quote will thrill all book lovers!
Falling in love with you is like diving blindly into a book, not knowing it’s destined to be my favorite. Whatever’s more than love, I feel it for you. I am only ever going to be in love with you.”
When I loved a book, I didn’t read it once. I read it over and over again—until the pages fell off, until I could anticipate the words before I read them, until they sunk into me and melted inside my bones in a way that never happened with books I’d only read once.”
Overall, “Devious Lies” by Parker S Huntington is an enjoyable and engaging romance novel that will appeal to fans of the genre. It is a well-written and entertaining read that will keep readers engaged until the very end. One of the Best Romance Books To Read and Gift, this book has become my comfort read that I have read and reread multiple times since the first time I read it in 2019.
So, a top Book Recommendation from Njkinny, Njkinny Recommends this splendid, sizzling, and memorable love story to all romance lovers above the age of eighteen. Go read this must read book now!
Parker S Huntington became one of my favourite auto-buy authors after reading this book, and I highly recommend her stories to all romance genre lovers.
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