Cursed | Ruchi Singh | Book Review |Indian Billionaire Romance
Cursed by Ruchi Singh is the second book in “Miracle Series”. A contemporary retelling of Indian mythological tale of Shakuntala and King Dushyant, read the book summary, release date, age rating, genre, book quotes, and book review of Cursed by Ruchi Singh in this post below.

About Cursed by Ruchi Singh:
No. of Pages: 292
Publication Date: 20th October 2022
Genre: Indian Romance, Contemporary Romance, Indie Author, Billionaire Romance, Second Chance Romance, Indian Mythology
Series: Miracle Series Book 2
Reading Age: 16 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON

Cursed by Ruchi Singh Book Summary:
Eons ago Devi Shakuntala, daughter of Apsara Menaka and Rishi Vishwamitra was abandoned as a child. Then when she fell in love with King Dushyant and they secretly married, she was cursed that her lover would forget her. Now in current scenario, the same is happening with Juhi who works at a resort in Rishikesh, and Samar, the music prodigy here on a trip.
A book with dual storyline having two couples separated by fate, will they ever remember their way back together? Or are they destined to stay cursed?

Cursed by Ruchi Singh Book Review:
I read and absolutely loved “Bewitched” that is the first book in “Miracle series” featuring the retelling of Apsara Menaka and Rishi Vishwamitra in contemporary settings. So when I heard about this next book that features the story of the daughter of Menaka and Vishwamitra along with a contemporary romance based on their mythological tale, I jumped to read this book. And I am so glad that I did. I adored experiencing this famous Indian mythological love story again with a contemporary romance retelling alongside it!
Things I liked:
Book Cover, Blurb, and Title:
The cover, blurb, and title are an intriguing trio that will have readers stop to check this book out.
Can be read as a standalone story.
Despite being part of a series and featuring the story of the daughter of the couple from the previous book, still this book can be read as a standalone story.
Writing style and World building:
Then the writing style is fluid, immersive, and easily engaging. So, author Ruchi easily pulled me in and had me invested in both the stories- one in the past, and the other happening now.
The world building is vivid and so realistic that I could easily visualise each scene. Even the time shifts between the storylines is so fluid that not once did I feel them. Everything ran smoothly and kept me eagerly turning the pages.
Two storylines from two timespans are beautifully connected.
While I loved the above points, the highlight of this book is the spellbinding way in which the author has connected two storylines across time. She brings a novel concept of running dual storylines -one mythological and the other contemporary in the same book. And in my opinion, she aced this experiment!
Whether you know the Indian mythological tale of Shakuntala and Dushyant or are new to it, the author has written this book in such a manner that you are guaranteed to enjoy it. And that is a major plus in my book. Kudos to Ruchi Singh for taking a chance and bringing something new to the table.
"Time doesn’t wait for anyone. Life just goes by and you are left wondering what would have happened if you would have taken that one risk to make your life better…"- #BookQuote Cursed @RuchiWriter & #BookReview #IARTG on… Share on XTime doesn’t wait for anyone. Life just goes by and you are left wondering what would have happened if you would have taken that one risk to make your life better. If nothing else, at least you will be left with good memories of an adventure.”
Cursed by Ruchi Singh Book Quote
The characters both known and unknown are expertly sketched and brought to life. I adored revisiting the age old fable of Shakuntala and Dushyant’s love, and equally adored reading about Juhika and Samar.
Both Juhi and Samar are relatable characters with their own challenges and desires. Coming from different backgrounds, I loved how they connected. Samar’s courtship of Juhi is so cute and swoon-worthy. There love story had me so invested that I cried, laughed, sighed, and felt a plethora of emotions along side them.
I also loved the supporting characters especially Dhruv, and Samar’s mother. Meeting Rudra and Poorva from “Bewitched” felt like uniting with lost friends. And I sighed in pure delight watching them so happy together.
Things that could be better:
The only area of improvement I found are the few grammatical errors in the book. And this can easily be improved with another round of editing.
All in all, Cursed by Ruchi Singh is an entertaining and engrossing romance that kept me hooked until the very end. A fantastic Indian mythological retelling, this book is easy to connect with, promises a heartfelt love story, and a different style of storytelling that you got to experience.
4 out of 5 stars to this lovely and emotionally heartfelt romantic story, and Njkinny recommends it to all mythological and romance book lovers. So, go grab this book to read now!
Buy From:
Also read the first book in “Miracle Book Series” by Ruchi Singh:

Read Bewitched by Ruchi Singh Book Review and Book Quotes
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