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Playing with Fire | L J Shen | Book Review | A Bad Boy College Romance

Playing with Fire by L J Shen is her latest romance book full of angst, drama, mystery, and a love story that will blow your mind. It is raw, consuming, and a tearjerker that had me shedding heartfelt tears, and wishing for a happy ending for the protagonists who have experienced too much pain in their past. Read the blurb, publication history, genre, favourite quotes, buy links and my book review of Playing with Fire by L J Shen on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Best Kindle Unlimited Enemies-to-Lovers Romance Books of 2020

It is rightly said that there is a fine line between love and hate. In matters of the heart, sometimes the best love stories start with hate and end with love. Here is the list of the best enemies-to-lovers romance books free with Kindle Unlimited that have made readers’ hearts race and their hands quickly turn the pages in interest on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book Review: The Itsy Bitsy Spyder by Apeksha Rao (The Spyders #0.5)

Fancy reading about spies, secret missions, a headstrong heroine, and high octane action and drama? Then The Itsy Bitsy Spyder by Apeksha Rao is the book for you. A YA spy fiction set in India around a teenager heroine who dreams of becoming a spy just like her parents, read the blurb, review, publication history, summary and buy links for The Itsy Bitsy Spyder by Apeksha Rao on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book Review: Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer (Twilight #5)

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer is the latest release of 2020 in Twilight Saga series, a YA, vampire-themed fantasy romance series, tells the story of Edward and Bella’s first meeting from Edward’s perspective. This is basically the hero’s, Edward’s version of the first book, “Twilight“.

Read more about Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, my favourite quotes, review, buy links, publication history, blurb and the reading order of Twilight Saga series on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer (Twilight Saga) | What are you reading Wednesday

“What are you reading Wednesday” is where I share my current reads with my first impressions of the featured book/books. Our featured pick for this week’s “What are you reading Wednesday” weekly meme is Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. The latest release in Twilight Saga series that is a YA, vampire-themed fantasy romance series, Midnight Sun tells the story of Edward and Bella’s first meeting from Edward’s perspective. This is basically the hero’s version of the first book, “Twilight”.

Read more about Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, my favourite quotes, my first impressions of the book, buy links, publication history, blurb and the reading order of Twilight Saga series.

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Twilight Saga Series Reading Order | Book List

Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer is her debut vampire-themed, fantasy romance series featuring a vampire hero and a human heroine. A series that became a phenomenon with subsequent superhit movie adaptations, Twilight series consists of five novels and three companion books. In this post checkout Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer series reading order, more about the books in Twilight Saga like blurb, quotes and buy links.

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Book BlitzChildren'syoung adult

Book Blitz: A Song of India by Ruskin Bond

A Song of India by Ruskin Bond is the upcoming book in his memoir series. Ruskin Bond is an author who has regaled and entertained readers for over 70 years with his heartfelt tales for both children and adults alike. This book is the latest installment in his memoir series and will narrate another year in the life of a young teenager Ruskin as he embarks on a journey to a new land.

Read the blurb, publication history, buy links of A Song of India by Ruskin Bond, and the reading order of the complete memoirs of Ruskin Bond.

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