Njkinny Favourites

Book ReviewfantasyNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromanceyoung adult

Book Review: Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon (St. Rosetta’s Academy #1)

Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon is a YA retelling of the memorable classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast”. Set in an elite boarding school with a diverse cast and a romance so known and yet unknown, read the publication history, genre, book summary, quotes, other similar book recommendations, St. Rosetta’s Academy Book series and book review of “Of Curses and Kisses” by Sandhya Menon on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesnonfiction

Book Review: 7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar

7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar is a new released short yet effective self help book that aims to teach the readers how to handle their life with maturity and grace by following the 7 simple rules shared in this book. Read the book summary, publication history, genre and book review of 7 Simple Rules by Sam Sadar on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesscience fiction and fantasyyoung adult

Book Review: Ecclesia’s Table by Mason S. Haynie

Ecclesia’s Table by Mason S. Haynie is a Dystopian novel featuring a world that has turned a wasteland, where life is tough, challenging and a daily struggle. Three friends set out to find the fabled heaven “Ecclesia” where land is rich and life prosperous and happy. Will they find this mythical place and how will they adjust there is the basis for this new release from the author. Read the book summary, genre, publication date and book review of Ecclesia’s Table by Mason S. Haynie on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesromance

The Hating Game | Sally Thorne | Book Review

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is a delicious enemies-to-lovers office romantic comedy that won hearts all over the world ever since its release in 2016. Read the book summary, genre, publication history and book review of The Hating Game by Sally Thorne along with books you will love reading if you like this book on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny Favouritesromance

ARC Book Review: How to Train Your Earl by Amelia Grey (First Comes Love #3)

How to Train You Earl by Amelia Grey is the latest historical romance release by the author and the third book in “First Come Love” series. Released on 27th April 2021, read the publication history, genre, book summary, “First Comes Love” series reading list, and book review of How to Train You Earl by Amelia Grey on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewfantasyNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromance

Book Review: Midnight Valentine by J T Geissinger

Midnight Valentine by J T Geissinger is a poignant and haunting story of love, loss, grief, redemption, and second chances. So, it is a book that will test your belief about reincarnation and the power of true love. So, read the publication history, book summary, genre, buy links, favourite quotes and book review of Midnight Valentine by J.T. Geissinger on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesthriller

Book Review: What You Never Knew by Jessica Hamilton

What You Never Knew by Jessica Hamilton is her debut mystery book that released on 13th April 2021. Told from the POV of two sisters, one dead and one alive, this thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout. Read the publication history, genre, book summary, favourite quotes and book review of What You Never Knew by Jessica Hamilton and similar books on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromance

Grayson’s Way by Lisa Eugene | ARC Book Review

Grayson’s Way by Lisa Eugene is an adult contemporary romance set to release on 23rd April 2021. Featuring a schizophrenic hero and a strong heroine determined to save the man she loves from his own downward spiralling mind, read more about this beautiful romance including the book summary, genre, publication history, series book list, favourite quotes and book review of Grayson’s Way by Lisa Eugene on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Bossy Grump | Nicole Snow | ARC Book Review

Bossy Grump by Nicole Snow is the latest romantic comedy by the author that released on 28th March 2021. Featuring a grumpy Billionaire, his beautiful and sassy assistant, and a fake engagement, read the publication history, genre, book summary, book review of Bossy Grump by Nicole Snow. Also enter the Giveaway to win $10 Amazon Gift Card and a signed paperback of the book on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book ReviewNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromance

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang | Book Review | The Kiss Quotient Book 2

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang is the second book by the author and also the second book in “The Kiss Quotient” series. A stunning and memorable romance that will leave an indelible mark on your heart, read the book summary, publication history, genre, favourite quotes and book review of The Bride Test by Helen Hoang and The Kiss Quotient Series by Helen Hoang on Njkinny’s Blog.

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