Book Review

Book Reviews of books read and reviewed.

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang | Book Review | The Kiss Quotient Book 2

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang is the second book by the author and also the second book in “The Kiss Quotient” series. A stunning and memorable romance that will leave an indelible mark on your heart, read the book summary, publication history, genre, favourite quotes and book review of The Bride Test by Helen Hoang and The Kiss Quotient Series by Helen Hoang on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull | Richard Bach | Book Review

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach is an inspiring story about a seagull who has a dream. This book is for people who follow their dreams and make their own rules. A book that released in 1970 and went on to become a bestseller, read the book summary, favourite quotes, publication history, genre and book review of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book Review: It Ends With A Dream by Medha Nagur | The Farther You Go, The Closer We Get

It Ends With a Dream by Medha Nagur is the debut book by the author that released on 12th February 2021. A poignant love story set in India, read the book summary, publication history, genre, quotes, buy links and book review of It Ends With a Dream: The Farther You Go, The Closer We Get by Medha Nagur on Njkinny’s Blog.

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ARC Book Review: Fearless by Kaylene Winter (Less Than Zero #3) and $25 Giveaway

Fearless by Kaylene Winter is the latest romance and the third book in “Less Than Zero” series. Featuring a rockstar hero and an actress, this is story of love, revenge, fighting past demons, and placing your trust in someone you love. Read the publication history, genre, book summary, buy links and book review of Fearless by Kaylene Winter. Also meet the author and the reading list of “Less than Zero” by Kaylene Winter on Njkinny’s Blog.

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The Maharaja’s Fake Fiancee by Alisha Kay Romance Book Review

An uptight Maharaja, a spunky actress, a devious ex, matchmaking moms and a fake engagement. The Maharaja’s Fake Fiancee by Alisha Kay is the new Indian Royal romance that released on 10th March 2021. Read the book summary, publication history, genre, and book review of The Maharaja’s Fake Fiancee by Alisha Kay, a fun Desi Romance on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Hot for Love by Melissa Foster Romance Book Review (The Bradens & Montgomerys: Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls #7)

Hot for Love by Melissa Foster is the latest Melissa Foster release in “The Bradens & Monthomerys: Pleasant Hill -Oak Falls” series. This romance book released in February 2021 and is yet another engaging romance with witty banter and spicy chemistry. Read the book summary, publication history, genre, book quotes, book review of Hot for Love by Melissa Foster on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book Review: Arborea by SMoss (A Romantic Thriller)

Arborea by SMoss is the new romantic thriller by the author that takes the readers to a luxury resort of the same name set amidst the redwood forests of California. Read the summary, publication history, genre, book review and book quotes of Arborea by SMoss ; and the Interview with SMoss, the author of Arborea on Njkinny’s Blog. Also enter to win 5 Ebooks in the exclusive Book Giveaway.

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Trigger Point | Douglas Misquita | Book Review

Trigger Point by Douglas Misquita is a high octane action adventure thriller and the latest book in the “Luc Fortesque” Series that released in January 2021. Perfect for fans of Jason Bourne series, read the book summary, publication history, genre, quotes and book review of Trigger Point by Douglas Misquita and the books in “Luc Fortesque” Series on Njkinny’s Blog.

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A Beauty So Cruel by Beena Khan (Beauty & the Beast #1) | ARC Book Review and $10 Giveaway

A woman’s life changes when she accidentally becomes a witness to a murder and then taken captive by the New York Underworld Don, Vlad Vitalli. A new dark mafia romance from Beena Khan that is a series starter, read the publication history, genre, book summary and book review of A Beauty So Cruel by Beena Khan on Njkinny’s Blog.

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ARC Book Review: The Duke Heist by Erica Ridley (The Wild Wynchesters #1)

The Duke Heist by Erica Ridley is the latest Regency Romance from the author that is a series starter and is the first book is “The Wild Wynchesters” series. Featuring the Wynchester family that is considered to be misfits and scoundrels, this is the story of Chloe Wynchester who, in her attempts to recover a stolen painting, inadvertently kidnaps a duke in this deliciously entertaining regency romp with a hide-in-plain sight heroine and a prim-and-proper Duke with an agenda of his own. Read the publication history, genre, summary, quotes and book review of The Duke Heist by Erica Ridley on Njkinny’s Blog.

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