book lists

Book lists of books recommended by Njkinny

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Tried and Tested Websites to Download FREE books

If you are a thrifty bookworm looking for pocket-friendly ways to get paid books to read FREE then these tried and tested websites to download free books are for you. I often get asked this question, “What are the best websites to download free books?”, and over time and by trying and testing the multitudes of websites offering free books, I have come up with this list of websites for downloading and reading books for free! This is the list of top websites to download free books in India and worldwide on Njkinny’s Blog.

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book listsfantasyNjkinny Favouritesromancescience fiction and fantasy

Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh Reading Order

Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh is her bestselling Paranormal Romance Series that is set in the future where the world consists of three main races- Humans, Psy, and Changelings.Come dive into the engrossing, dangerous, and edgy world of the Psy-Changelings. Once you start, I guarantee you won’t be able to stop!
Check out the complete Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh Reading Order on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie (West Side #5) Review, Giveaway and West Side Series Book List

Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie is the fifth book in the West Side series and released on 19th January 2021. A romantic suspense featuring an undercover FBI agent heroine and a Playboy hero who is her intended quarry. A romance with mystery, thrill, steam and entertainment, read the blurb, publication history, genre, “West Side” series reading order, $20 Giveaway and book review of Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie on Njkinny’s Blog.

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book listsNjkinny Favouritesromance

The Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn offers swoony romance and loads of wit

Get swept away in the glittery, Regency world of the Bridgertons where the wealthy Bridgerton family stands apart from the crowd. They are unfashionably close knit, value family above all else, all the Bridgerton siblings look so similar that no one can mistake them for anything else but related, and all eight of them are alphabetically named! check out the reading order of the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn and read them all now or listen to them to experience the full effect even as you watch it on TV and then come back here to discuss the differences and similarities here with me!

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book listsNjkinny Favouritesromance

12 Dukes of Christmas Series by Erica Ridley Book List and Reading Order

12 Dukes of Christmas Series by Erica Ridley has twelve Christmas themed historical romances set in a cozy snow-covered village in England where it is Christmastide all year round! These heartwarming, entertaining, and laugh-out-loud regency romances will win your heart. With swoon-worthy Dukes, strong heroines, and the magical Christmas cheer everywhere, these romances are a must-read to get you all fluttery, smiley, and happy. Recommended for all year round reading, especially for Christmas, check out the complete 12 Dukes of Christmas Series by Erica Ridley in order with reviews, quotes and publication history ion Njkinny’s Blog.

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book listsMysteryNjkinny FavouritesQuotesthriller

10 Best Cozy Winter Mystery Books by Agatha Christie | Book List

Nothing beats curling up with an ingenious mystery and a hot of tea on a cold winter day and Agatha Christie’s mind-boggling mysteries that are often classified as cozy are among the best mysteries there are. Aptly called the “Queen of Mystery”, her stories are crafty, evergreen and enlightening. The character studies and situational analysis make her unique. Here are some of the best mystery book recommendations for Agatha Christie fans and they are all wintry mysteries! Checkout this book list of 10 Best Cozy Winter Mystery Books by Agatha Christie that are must reads and perfect book gifts for all mystery lovers. Whether you are a die-hard Christie fan or a novice, indulge yourself in these best detective novels of all time.

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Have you read these 10 best spooky Agatha Christie books?

Agatha Christie is one of the best Mystery Authors of all time and has been hailed as the “Queen of Mystery”. With over 66 novels and 14 short stories to her name, her books have remained popular with the readers decades after her death with translations and reprints in all multiple languages. Being an avid reader and lover of her evergreen, sometimes spooky, sometimes eerie but always atmospheric and ingenious mysteries, here are the best spooky Agatha Christie books to binge-read before Halloween that are non-horror but will have chills running down your spine. Have you read these best spooky Agatha Christie Books? Checkout for yourself and go binge-read them now because once you start, you won’t be able to stop at just one book!

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Best Kindle Unlimited Enemies-to-Lovers Romance Books of 2020

It is rightly said that there is a fine line between love and hate. In matters of the heart, sometimes the best love stories start with hate and end with love. Here is the list of the best enemies-to-lovers romance books free with Kindle Unlimited that have made readers’ hearts race and their hands quickly turn the pages in interest on Njkinny’s Blog.

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Book AdaptationsBook Blitzbook listsfantasyhorrorNjkinny FavouritesQuotesromanceyoung adult

Twilight Saga Series Reading Order | Book List

Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer is her debut vampire-themed, fantasy romance series featuring a vampire hero and a human heroine. A series that became a phenomenon with subsequent superhit movie adaptations, Twilight series consists of five novels and three companion books. In this post checkout Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer series reading order, more about the books in Twilight Saga like blurb, quotes and buy links.

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