Book Review: Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah is the debut book by the author that has been highly acclaimed ever since its release in 2019. Nominated for the “Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction (2019)”, this emotional, inspiring, and uplifting book teaches two troubled people the meaning of love and trust when a mysterious girl comes into their lives. Read the blurb, publication history, genre, buy links, favourite quotes and book review of Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah in this post below.

About Where the Forest Meets the Stars:
No. of Pages: 332
Publication Date: March 1st 2019 by Lake Union Publishing
Genre: Domestic Fiction, Romance, Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Magical Realism, Adult Fiction, Debut
In this gorgeously stunning debut, a mysterious child teaches two strangers how to love and trust again.
After the loss of her mother and her own battle with breast cancer, Joanna Teale returns to her graduate research on nesting birds in rural Illinois, determined to prove that her recent hardships have not broken her. She throws herself into her work from dusk to dawn, until her solitary routine is disrupted by the appearance of a mysterious child who shows up at her cabin barefoot and covered in bruises.
The girl calls herself Ursa, and she claims to have been sent from the stars to witness five miracles. With concerns about the child’s home situation, Jo reluctantly agrees to let her stay—just until she learns more about Ursa’s past.
Jo enlists the help of her reclusive neighbor, Gabriel Nash, to solve the mystery of the charming child. But the more time they spend together, the more questions they have. How does a young girl not only read but understand Shakespeare? Why do good things keep happening in her presence? And why aren’t Jo and Gabe checking the missing children’s website anymore?
Though the three have formed an incredible bond, they know difficult choices must be made. As the summer nears an end and Ursa gets closer to her fifth miracle, her dangerous past closes in. When it finally catches up to them, all of their painful secrets will be forced into the open, and their fates will be left to the stars.
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Review:
Dr. Joanna Teale is researching the nesting habits of birds when one day she encounters a strange girl near her house. With a fantastical story of being an alien, this young girl who calls herself Ursa soon becomes a common fixture in Jo’s life. There is something different and almost magical about Ursa and even Jo’s neighbour, the “egg man” Gabriel can feel it.
I don’t have a home on Earth. I came from there.” She pointed toward the sky.
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
Jo is a cancer survivor who lost her vanity, her mother, and two years of her life to this debilitating disease. Her hair grew back but she, still, battles insecurity and a feeling of incompleteness. Gabriel has anxiety issues and is caught in a cage of his own making. With both, Jo and Gabriel caught in mires of their own, Ursa’s magic comes like a balm to their tortured souls.
Where the Forest meets the Stars is a book unlike any that I have read. At first I thought it to be a fantasy and scifi story but soon, it became apparent that this was something unique. The author beautifully weaves magic through her words in this book. Is Ursa really an alien or just a traumatized girl who is using fantasy to hide away from her fears? I kept thinking over this question throughout. Whenever I thought I knew the answer, the author threw a twist that had me back at square one.
I can’t go back yet. I have to stay on Earth until I’ve seen five miracles. It’s part of our training when we get to a certain age – kind of like school.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
Jo and Gabe’s healing process and their struggle to stay afloat amidst all their insecurities is something all of us will relate to. The scene where Jo sheds her inhibitions and insecurities is one of my favourite scenes in the book. I cheered for her, Gabe and Ursa all through.
When I knew my mother would be dead in a few months, I had two choices…” She looked at him.
I could distance myself from the pain or get closer to it…I decided to get closer. I got so close, her pain and fear became my own. We shared everything and loved each other like we never had when death was some distant thing. In the end, part of me died with her. I am not recovered from it even now but I made a conscious choice to enter the darkness with her. Everyone I know who’s lost someone they love has voiced regrets- they wish they’d done this or that or loved them more. I have no regrets. None.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
Tabby is another favourite character who is such a ray of sunshine for her everyone around her. We all need people like her to keep us positive and happy. I would definitely love to meet Tabby in real life!
She’s kind of like a baby. She didn’t know she was supposed to grow up, and that makes her more fun than other grown-up people.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
Gabe’s struggle with depression, anxiety, and mental trauma is so beautifully brought to the fore. The correct way to help such people and their inner struggles to adjust is another enlightening aspect of this book. Such people are either ignored, ridiculed or coddled. Gabe faces ridicule from his sister that had mu temper spiking. His past played a huge role in shaping his present and his fight to keep sane is so uplifting. When he made his first venture outside of his bubble brought happy tears to my eyes and his heartfelt and vulnerable foray into love is something so memorable. The way Jo and he came together had me at a loss of words and feeling choked with intense emotions of gratitude, happiness and love.
But the egg stand is also therapy.”
How is it therapy?” He looked at her again.
For social anxiety, depression, and a touch of agoraphobia.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
Ursa’s innocent bond with little bear had the animal lover in me so delighted. Ursa and Jo gained his unconditional love and loyalty when they fed him and I cried when he repaid that loyalty. Animals are truly so special and their love such a gift. All they require is kindness from us that Ursa gave and gained a forever friend in him.
He was my first friend. Little Bear was my first friend after I came down from the stars.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
The only slight disagreement I felt was with the way extra-marital affair was somewhat justified in this book. I take marriage vows very seriously and didn’t agree with the author’s take on this. It ruined so many lives and could have been handled differently. I am all for love but marriage is a sacred union for me and I don’t condone cheating. However, this aspect didn’t have any major impact on the value of the story and so doesn’t impact my rating.
The ending had me cheering and jumping in joy. It is everything I had never thought of but hoped for. The question haunting me about Ursa’s identity is satisfied at the end but is it? You will have to read the book to see for yourself. I am so happy that I picked this book up to read.
A magical, heartwarming story that sometimes had me shedding tears and at other times smiling like a goof, Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah is a stunning story of hope, second-chances, love, and forgiveness. 5 out of 5 super shiny stars to it and Njkinny recommends this must-read book to everyone. Go read it now, gift it to your loved ones and rejoice in the power of love. This is one of the best books that I have read this year and a proud entry in Njkinny’s List of the Best Books of 2020. This quote is so apt for me because I have no words to truly tell you everything about how different and memorable this book is.
As always, words fail when you most want to say the right thing.”
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah Quotes
I look forward to reading more from the author in the future and wish her the very best. I hope I get to meet Ursa, Jo, Gabe and Tabby again.
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