Shaadi ka Laddoo | Chaitali Hatiskar | Book Review | Romantic Comedy
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar is the author’s debut Indian romance. With a bachelor uninterested in marriage, a meddlesome mother whose only aim is to see her son married soon, and a heroine who is poles apart from our hero, this book is a hoot. Hilarity ensues when the hero is given a month to find a woman to marry or else let his mother decide one for him!
Hence, a goofy romantic comedy about the Indian marriage scene with full on drama, a spicy love story and characters that will make you fall in love with them. So, Read the book summary, publication history, genre, book quotes and book review of Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar in this post below.

About Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar:
No. of Pages: 358
Publication Date: 24th January 2021
Genre: Debut, Indie Author, Contemporary Romance, Indian Romance, Romantic Comedy, Desi Romance, Debut Author, Romance Novel
Content with a successful career and comfortable lifestyle, life was going great for Ved Arora. He had no intention to either date or marry; much to the dismay of his meddling family. Until one day he crossed paths with Akira and all hell broke loose. He found himself getting pulled into the chaos because of Akira. Akira was everything that he hated and Ved’s mundane existence did not excite her. Will the battle of sexes continue or will Ved finally succumb and devour the proverbial Shaadi ka laddoo?
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar Review:
Ved Arora doesn’t drink, doesn’t drink, and he doesn’t party late in the night. Health conscious, and a perpetual good boy, he is a workaholic and a man of simple pleasures. His family, on the other hand, is his complete opposite. The Arora family is dramatic, boisterous, meddlesome, loves their food and drink, and has no concept of private space. However, for all their cringe worthy antics they are a family who love each other and believe they know the best for each other. This quote by Ved’s sister, Vedika aptly describes the Arora family.
We are bonkers. Everyone is completely reckless and stupid. But we have always done one thing right. And that is, we have always loved passionately. Its either absolute love or nothing. There is no in between for us.”
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar Quote
Poor Ved with his non-existent love life and no efforts towards securing a match is given an ultimatum by his mother: find a girl of his own choice to marry or she will find one for him. With this challenge coming after several failed attempts to match her son with a suitable woman on the many match making websites available, Pinky Arora has finally put her foot down and Ved is under pressure to find a girlfriend. In an unexpected turn of events, he crosses paths with Akira and while their first meeting starts off with a fight, this sweet love story takes the readers on a bumpy roller coaster ride to their happily-ever-after that is fraught with many laughter and tear filled moments, the Punjabi penchant for food, dramatics, over-the-top attempts at match making and unexpected twists and turns to spice things up!
That walking-talking bad luck bearer, part-time coffee snatcher, full-time sneer master, a complete wreck of a human being was supposed to be the one for him? This is what he patiently waited for all these years?”
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar Quote
Things I liked:
I laughed, cried, cringed and felt so many emotions as I read this book. Chailtali’s simple, fluid narration sucked me into the story right from the start and as I followed Ved and Akira, every thing felt so real and vivid. Readers, especially of marriageable age from India will totally relate with this story that has every thing that has ever been felt by all of us at one or the other time before marriage.
The Indian marriage scene is so beautifully brought to life through her comical timing. The hunt for a suitable bride or groom is often a whole family affair in India with friends and family playing supporting roles. Every one has an opinion and every one knows best. Amidst this chaos, the helplessness, confusion, and frustration of the person at the cynosure of every one’s attempts is so beautifully portrayed in the book through Ved’s character.
The characterisation is another strong point of the book. Each character has its own quirks, personality, identity and is different from another. Balancing and developing these characters to take the story forward has been done splendidly by the author. No where did I feel like this was a debut attempt. Right from the Arora family to Akira’s family and the other supporting characters, every one makes their presence known and I had no difficulty in making a mental image of each character in my mind.
Plot and Storytelling:
The story is fast paced and several times in the book, I felt like the end had come but then the author threw another twist and the journey continued. The story felt like an Indian serial with several sub-stories in it and after the closure of one another started but I loved following it right till the end. This is not just Ved and Akira’s love story but also a story about love, family, forgiveness, and second chances.
Love needs patience, my child. There are always going to be things that you dislike, completely hate about your partner. But you can always choose to talk the differences out…Fight them out. Together. Or laugh at them together…”
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar Quote
Things that can be better:
While everything from the title, cover, blurb, plot planning and execution, to characterisation is expertly done, the only point where I think the book needs work is the few grammar and vocabulary errors I found while reading the book like mismatched words, repetitive words and missing words. This can easily be rectified by another round of editing but for now, they didn’t hamper my entertainment with the story.
Shaadi ka Laddoo by Chaitali Hatiskar is entertaining, immersive, enlightening, and felt like meeting new friends. The end left me sniffing in joy and satisfied with my favourite couples getting their happy ending. I would love to read more about these beloved characters and give this splendid debut Indian romance 4.5 out of 5 stars. Njkinny recommends this romantic comedy to all romance lovers, especially Indian romance or Desi romance lovers. So, go grab this exciting and entertaining story now!
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