Book Review: 7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar
7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar is a new released short yet effective self help book that aims to teach the readers how to handle their life with maturity and grace by following the 7 simple rules shared in this book. Read the book summary, publication history, genre and book review of 7 Simple Rules by Sam Sadar in this post below.

About 7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar:
No. of Pages: 68
Publication Date: LetsAuthor (11 May 2021)
Genre: Self-Help, Non-Fiction
7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar Review
7 Simple Rules: How to live peacefully despite everything else by Sam Sadar is all about coping with life’s challenges like the Covid pandemic situation peacefully and with maturity. Through 7 simple rules the author shares easy to understand, actionable steps one can take to tackle any situation in our lives.
Through easy to understand and effective steps and with real life experiences of people from all walks of life, she shares how every day people used these rules to take control of their lives. She shows how small changes in our lifestyle and our thinking play a huge role in making our lives easier, peaceful and balanced.
The book devotes one chapter to each rule and I loved how the author has skillfully combined facts, trivia, empowering quotes and inspirational life experiences, especially from the present Covid situation to explain the rules and ways in which the readers can incorporate them in their lives.
A short and quick read, this book nonetheless leaves a lasting impression on a reader’s mind and will have you feeling empowered to take action. A must read for everyone, I give it 5 out of 5 super shiny stars and Njkinny recommends it highly! This book is very relevant in the present scenario and the stories shared will resonate with everyone.
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