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Book Review: Afsaane by Ameya Bondre
Afsaane by Ameya Bondre is a collection of short stories exploring emotions, experiences and nuggets of instances from daily life. Realistic, short and yet thought-provoking, read the blurb, publication history, genre, book review and buy links for this book on Njkinny’s Blog.
Cover Reveal: The Trouble with Quarterbacks by R.S. Grey
The Trouble with Quarterbacks by R.S. Grey is a hilarious romance about unlikely love found between a British preschool teacher and the professional quarterback who sweeps her off her feet. Checkout the cover, publication date, genre, blurb, teaser and buy links for The Trouble with Quarterbacks by R.S. Grey and about author R.S Grey on…
Book Review: Dr. Heartquaker by Sudha Nair
Dr. Heartquaker by Sudha Nair is her latest romance that features a cute romance with the dramatic Indian marriage scenario and food for thought social prejudices thrown in to get a book that will have you engaged throughout. Read the publication history, genre, blurb, buy links, my favourite quotes and book review of Dr. Heartquaker…
Afsaane- A collection of short stories by Ameya Bondre ~What are you reading Wednesday
Our featured pick for this week’s “What are you reading Wednesday” weekly meme is Afsaane by Ameya Bondre. I am reading this short story collection featuring eleven short stories dealing with a variety of topics. Read more about this book including the blurb, publication history, genre, buy links and my initial thoughts on Njkinny’s Blog.