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Book Feature–> Sacred Choices by Karen Hulene Bartell
Feature: Sacred Choices Title and Author: Sacred Choices by Karen Hulene Bartell Print Length: 266 Pages Publication Date: April 2014 Language: English Genre: Paranormal
Cover Reveal and Giveaway–> Alien Encounters Saga #2- Jewels by Lakisha Spletzer
Tour Schedule Series: Alien Encounters Saga, Book #2 Special Lt. Jewels Enbran took to the stars with her husband,
Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff turns One! ~Giveaway and Linky Party
It all started with a suggestion that I start a blog where I could talk about books, write, make good
Cover Reveal and Giveaway–> Moments in Time #4- Defining Moments by Dori Lavelle
How much heartbreak can one heart take? Melisa Dane has made it through the worst. Her heart was broken, but