Blog Tour Wrap up–> What If It’s Love? by Alix Nichols {Aug 9-17}
The Blog Tour for Alix Nichols’ book What If It’s Love? took place from 9-17th August and I am so happy to say that it was a huge success and great fun. There were Reviews, Interviews, Spotlights and two Giveaways! 🙂
If you missed checking out the tour then don’t worry checkout the below stops and enter the Giveaways which are still open till September 11th! 🙂
Day 1:
1) Spotlight on 3 Partners in Shopping; Nana, Mommy & Sissy too!
Checkout the post & enter giveaways here:
2) Spotlight on Coffee, Books & Art
Checkout the post & enter giveaways here:
Day 2:
1) Spotlight on Njkinny’s World of Books & Stuff
Checkout the post & enter giveaways here:
2) Spotlight on Cindy’s Love of Books
Checkout the post & enter giveaways here:
Day 3:
1) Book Spotlight and Interview with Alix Nichols on Chantel Rhondeau’s blog
“How would you describe your book in 20 words or less without using the blurb? It’s a story about recognizing love.
Read the complete Interview & enter giveaways here:
2) Book Spotlight on LeahSay’s Views
Checkout the post here:
Day 4:
1) Book Review on Booksane
“…The book really made me feel as if I was experiencing Paris with Lena and not just Paris, but also the other places the book took place like Moscow. The author made me feel as if I was actually these places, I could tell that she had done her research with everything. To me it feels as if La Bohéme is real…”
Read the complete review here:
2) Book Spotlight on Vinay_Positive
Checkout the post & enter giveaways here:
Day 5:
1) Book Spotlight and Interview with Alix Nichols on Zeenat Mahal’s blog
“We both have the love of romance and Mr. Darcy in common. So my first question is: why do you think women today are still reading and writing romance? Many women today are pseudo-feminists if not wholly so, and yet we have this desire to read stories of happily ever after. Do share your thoughts.
Read the complete Interview & enter giveaways here:
2) Book Spotlight, Interview and Book Review on The London Cat
“Thanks for sitting with us today, Alix. I hope we haven’t disrupted your writing schedule too much.
Day 6:
Book 2 in the Bistro La Bohème series comes out in October, picking up where “What If It’s Love?” left off. It’s the story of the rocky relationship between two of the characters the reader has already met in Book 1 (Jeanne and Mat).
I began at six, stopped at 23 and then started again a year ago. After 17 years of denial, I finally admitted that I couldn’t NOT write…”
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
~Buy What If It’s Love? From:~
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