Belladonna | Adalyn Grace | Book Review | An atmospheric Gothic YA Historical Romantic Thriller
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace is an atmospheric Gothic YA Historical Romantic Thriller. Also the first book in “Belladonna Series”, read the book summary, release date, genre, reading age, book quotes, book series reading order, and book review of Belladonna by Adalyn Grace in this post below.

About Belladonna by Adalyn Grace:
No. of Pages: 416
Publication Date: August 30th 2022 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Genre: YA, Romantic Thriller, Fantasy, Historical Romance, Gothic Romance, Mystery
Series: Belladonna Book 1
Reading Age: 18 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON
Book Sequel: Foxglove by Adalyn Grace

Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Summary:
"Because death is only a reprieve for the dead, Mr. Thorly. It cares little for those it leaves behind.”- #BookQuote #Belladonna by @AdalynGrace_ #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XBecause death is only a reprieve for the dead, Mr. Thorly. It cares little for those it leaves behind.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
Orphaned as a baby, Signa has been shuffled among different guardians each more interested in her wealth than in her welfare. Also unknown to anyone she is able to talk to and see Death who has been her fascinating and protective shadow never far from her side. Her life changes when she is sent to live with the elusive Hawthornes. But everything is not alright here. Her aunt died a painful and mysterious death. And now her cousin is also suffering from the same affliction. Then her uncle is busy throwing away his business and only interested in throwing lavish parties while his son is worried about the family’s reputation.
So when Signa decides to solve the mystery behind her cousin’s puzzling disease, her only help comes from a stable hand, and Death!
Soon it becomes apparent that there is a determined murderer behind her aunt’s death and cousin’s illness. And her aunt’s restless spirit still haunts the place trying to find the murderer.
But can Signa solve this mystery and save this family from the grave danger they are all in?
And also solve her confusing feelings for Death and the stable boy?

Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Review:
I absolutely adore Gothic Romance books and so when I heard about this book I jumped to read it. And barring a few complains, overall I enjoyed this story!
Things I liked:
Book Cover, Title, and Blurb:
The trio of book cover, title, and blurb are all so intriguing and captivating that they are sure to attract readers. I adored the cover art, and was instantly compelled to check this book out!
Also the title makes sense once you read the book and what an interesting title it is too!
Plot, Execution, and Narration:
The plot is pretty interesting and novel. And I loved Adalyn Grace’s fluid and engaging narration. She easily created a mental picture and made me feel a part of the story. So, I felt like I was right there amidst all the action, and felt each shift in the story a if physically witnessing everything!
The writing is easy to understand, and will be enjoyed by both novice and mature readers. Then the plot is expertly planned and executed. Though the story lost its pace a bit in the middle still it kept me engrossed all through. The mystery is intricate and layered. And each twist and turn is perfectly planned to shock the reader. And I sat glued to my seat all through eagerly turning the pages to know more!
World Building:
"Grief is a strange thing, Percy, for no two people experience it the same.”- #BookQuote #Belladonna by @AdalynGrace_ #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XGrief is a strange thing, Percy, for no two people experience it the same.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
One of the highlights of this book is the spellbinding world building. The whole eerie gothic-infused atmosphere is created to perfection. And I felt goosebumps dance on my skin several times as I read this book. There are spooky, paranormal scenes, and the fantastical development of Death and its relationship with Signa is again a daring move that I loved.
The mystery, dysfunctional relationships, and character development is beautifully advanced through the splendid world creation.
The character “Death”:
Death is the most fascinating character of the lot in this book. And I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this new side to it.
"I have waited an eternity to meet you, Signa Farrow.”- #BookQuote #Belladonna by @AdalynGrace_ #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XI have waited an eternity to meet you, Signa Farrow.”
To me, you are a song to a soul that has never known music. Light to someone who has only seen the darkness. You bring out the absolute worst in me, and I become vindictive toward those who treat you in ways I don’t care for. Yet you also bring out the best in me—I want to be better because of you. Better for you.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
"To me, you are a song to a soul that has never known music. Light to someone who has only seen the darkness. You bring out the absolute worst in me, and I become vindictive toward those who treat you in ways I don’t care for.”- #BookQuote… Share on X
Then its connection to Signa is mysterious, a guilty pleasure, and a creation that is like a double edged sword which will connect with some readers while make other readers not like it. But I enjoyed it and must applaud the author for taking this risk.
"You are what I want…I know I cannot force you to want me in return, but say that you do, and I promise that I am wholly and unequivocally yours. I will make this world everything for you, Signa.”- #BookQuote #Belladonna @AdalynGrace_… Share on XYou are what I want…I know I cannot force you to want me in return, but say that you do, and I promise that I am wholly and unequivocally yours. Say that you do, and I will make this world everything for you, Signa.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
Now I am so eager to see where Adalyn develops Signa and Death’s relationship.
"Since the dawn of this earth, I have waited. You are mine, and I am yours. And together, this world is ours.”- #BookQuote #Belladonna by @AdalynGrace_ #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XSince the dawn of this earth, I have waited. You are mine, and I am yours. And together, this world is ours.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
She is strong, hard headed, and lonely. Also never loved, she has been treated horribly by her guardians. So, my heart broke for her and then rejoiced when she came to live with the Hawthornes. I enjoyed watching her interact with the other characters of this story.
The Hawthorne family is a varied mix, and their characters are beautifully developed to advance the story.
I also enjoyed the careful placement of the supporting characters.
But I most enjoyed her confusion, uncertainty, and strange pull towards Death.
"I believe that I have always been yours, Death. As you were made for me,…I was made for you. For I want to feel the way I feel when I am by your side forever…”- #BookQuote #Belladonna @AdalynGrace_ #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog… Share on XI believe that I have always been yours, Death. As you were made for me, perhaps I was made for you. For I want to feel the way I feel when I am by your side forever. I want to feel the way I feel when you touch me.”
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace Book Quote
Things that could be better:
The first thing that struck me was the glaring loophole in the story where Signa doesn’t question why her mother was killed. All through the book I kept waiting for her to question and investigate the mysterious reason behind her mother’s murder. But alas, not once does she show interest here and it is such a significant lapse in this story.
Then I also was astounded when none of the Hawthorne family members question the sudden disappearance of one of their own. How is it possible that one of the family vanishes one day and no one asks about it!
Also the initial scene, which is spectacular by the way, is rendered completely unnecessary in the end which is just so sad.
I also felt that while this book is a YA fiction, it has several scenarios that are mature enough to be more suited to adult readers.
The pace of the story again could have been better maintained. There are repetitive portions, and the story dragged in the middle.
Signa’s attempt at navigating society didn’t interest me in the least. With so much happening, the frivolous tea sessions, and worries about a debut felt inconspicuous.
Lastly, the ending while a closure and a setup for the next book is weak. It could have been better planned to incite a greater interest in the sequel. However, despite this I am eager to read the sequel.
All in all, Belladonna by Adalyn Grace is an enjoyable Gothic YA romantic thriller that kept me engaged throughout. I adored the world building, and am now eager to read the sequel coming in 2023.
So, 3.5 out of 5 stars to it and Njkinny recommends this atmospheric romantic mystery to all Gothic, YA Fantasy, and Romantic Thriller lovers above the age of eighteen.
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