ARC Book Review–> Thunder Point #6- The Homecoming by Robyn Carr
Print Length: 400 Pages
Series: Thunder point #6
Publication Date: 26th August 2014 (Harlequin MIRA)
Language: English
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Book Review:
Seth Sileski had his whole future set at the age of twenty. He was popular, a signed up football player just waiting to become a star and so very handsome but one accident took everything away from him.
Now he is back in Thunder Point and even though many years have passed but the people of the town, his father and his best friend, Iris haven’t forgotten his past mistakes.
Will Seth be able to prove that he is different now?
Can he earn the trust of his loved ones again?
This is the first book by Robyn Carr that I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Although The Homecoming
The cover of the book is lovely and catchy. The blurb is intriguing and after reading it, I knew that I had to read the book!
The story, although a bit predictable is handled beautifully and Robyn makes it her very own. I loved the beautiful sketches of Thunder Point that the author creates in the readers’ mind. The cozy small town where time is frozen and where everyone knows everyone. The people of Thunder are nosy but still so caring and sweet. I wish to visit such a place someday.
The characterization is diverse and very vividly done. People are very often complex and this is what Robyn shows in the various characters in Thunder Point. I loved Seth. He was terribly hurt in the accident but still has never lost hope and managed to turn his life around. I loved his tenacity in trying to earn the trust of his father and Iris. The romance between Iris and Seth flows slowly and builds sweetly. They were once best friends and I loved the whole experience of watching them come closer again and finally acknowledge their true feelings for each other.
There is so much depth in the story. There are relationships that touch our heart and bring tears in our eyes. There are events that make us feel happy and satisfied. There is the moral of trying to live your life to the fullest and it is never too late to go after happiness.
All in all, this is a sweet and enjoyable story that can be read anytime, I give The Homecoming
I received the book from NetGalley and the publishers, Harlequin MIRA and I am very thankful to them. The above review is my honest and unbiased opinion and in no way influenced.
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