Gulmohar Dreams | Dharshana Bajaj | Book Review
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj is an epistolary novel that explores the spiritual journey of a young writer as she battles personal challenges to gain a new perspective towards life. So, a book that will touch your heart, and inspire you to chase your dreams, read the book summary, genre, book release date, reading age. book quotes, and book review of Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj in this post below.

About Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj:
No. of Pages: 160
Publication Date: 22nd January 2023
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Indian Author, Epistolary Fiction, Indie Author
Reading Age: 16 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Summary:
An epistolary novel that explores the spiritual journey of a young writer as she battles personal challenges to gain a new perspective towards life.
Mia has always wanted to be a writer but could never pursue her dream. Always a people pleaser, she let everyone around her rule her life. But now she has broken that chain. And goes on a writer’s retreat called “Gulmohar Dreams” to a quaint hill station. Here she meets a variety of people with stories of their own, and starts her spiritual journey of healing and self-awareness.
This is a book that not only talks about Mia’s life but also throws light on the many contemporary social challenges we are facing.

Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Review:
I read Dharshana Bajaj’s debut non-fiction book “Gaia’s Own” and absolutely adored it. So, when I heard about her latest fiction novel, I jumped at the chance to read it! And I am so glad I did too.
This whimsical book not only touched my heart but also inspired me to take charge of my life. So, a book that not only showed me the dark side of humanity but also showed the bright future we can achieve if only we are more empathetic towards others and our environment.
'The coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.'- #BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview #IARTG Share on XThe coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
Things I liked:
Title, Cover, and Blurb:
Dharshana Bajaj is an artist which shows in her gorgeous book cover art. Then the title “Gulmohar Dreams” is whimsical and intriguing. The blurb is also interesting and had me eager to try this book out that seemed like a relatable story of grit and determination.
As a wise Greek put it long ago, 'No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XAs a wise Greek put it long ago, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
Plot and Narration:
The plot is straight forward. But the beauty of this book lies in its simplicity and relatability. Through a young writer who has lost all her fantasies about life, the author takes the readers through a plethora of emotions that will connect with each and every one of us, irrespective of our age and gender.
I’ve also realized that relationships don’t make us happy.We make them happy ones when we are who we really are. The important thing is to define and discover ourselves first...It all well and truly begins with us.' -#BookQuote… Share on XI’ve also realized that relationships don’t make us happy. We make them happy ones when we are who we really are. The important thing is to define and discover ourselves first, instead of choosing and waiting to be defined by our relationships and being discovered by others! It all well and truly begins with us. With me.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
She takes examples from both fictional and nonfictional personalities to give the readers hope, inspiration, and food for thought. And she also makes us question why we try all our lives to mold ourselves into a cast accepted by society.
Sage advice to follow:
If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses.”
Shams of Tabrizi
Through daily journal entries addressed to the Universe, the narrator talks about her life’s struggles, and her daily learning. She also talks on one relatable topic per day that has affected us all like environment damage, lack of understanding in relationships, social expectations that hamper our personal freedom, suppression of women in our society, lack of support for abuse victims, tendency to ignore any type of address on taboo topics etc.
This quote is so true and one to take note of:
If your happiness depends on the people around you, you are doomed to disappointment and heart ache.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XIf your happiness depends on the people around you, you are doomed to disappointment and heart ache.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
Though a fiction novel, this book is more about non-fictional life’s lessons, real life case studies of people who rose above their circumstances, and a motivating lesson that inspires readers to live their lives free and happy!
Another gem of a quote!
'I’ve finally realized that unless I walk the path meant for me, I can never find true happiness. Taking the path of least resistance, pleasing others is not the way to a blissful life...' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj… Share on XI’ve finally realized that unless I walk the path meant for me, I can never find true happiness. Taking the path of least resistance, pleasing others is not the way to a blissful life…”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
The writing style is simple and easy to understand. Through a childlike innocence, the author gives the readers hope that everything will be fine. And that even if you are struggling, and feel hopeless and alone, there is still a path available to happiness if only you take time to know yourself.
'As long as she believed the others were better and more blessed or deserving than herself, she held on to failure and frustration. And it was not until that moment when she dared to be herself...that she finally met, and eventually wed,… Share on XAs long as she believed the others were better and more blessed or deserving than herself, she held on to failure and frustration. And it was not until that moment when she dared to be herself and listen to what her intuition and inner knowing had been trying to tell her for so long that she finally met, and eventually wed, success.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
I cried tears of sadness, anger, hopelessness, and then finally of joy as I followed the narrator on this journey of self-awareness. As she rose above her ingrained habit of living by others’ choices, always trying to please everyone, and suppressing her happiness along the way, I, too, rose above my inhibitions. So, a powerful book that is one to savour, I am so glad I took time to read it. And know that I will be revisiting it again and again whenever I want a dose of determination and inspiration.
Pay attention to your passions. They are the key to starting and finishing the book you are meant to write. I don’t believe in talent. I believe in passion,”
Barbara Kingslover, Writer and Environment Lover
World building:
'More people should step into Nature and really open their minds and hearts to what has been so generously given to them.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XMore people should step into Nature and really open their minds and hearts to what has been so generously given to them.”
I adored visiting Gulmohar Dreams. A whimsical, and adorably peaceful place amidst nature, it felt like I was on vacation too as I followed the narrator as she stayed at this writer’s retreat. Set in a picturesque Indian hill station, you feel the soothing presence of nature, of beauty far away from the chaos of the city. And through the journal entries, we also get awareness about the importance, and the need to conserve this natural treasure.
'In a single leaf, a single flower, I was moved to appreciate all the beautiful forms of this world...I saw no deity other than the trees themselves... When I viewed the world with an empty mind, I was able to perceive that the world… Share on XIn a single leaf, a single flower, I was moved to appreciate all the beautiful forms of this world. What I saw was simply the green of trees sparkling in sunlight. I saw no deity other than the trees themselves, nor did I perceive a spirit or soul of vegetation hidden within the trees. When I viewed the world with an empty mind, I was able to perceive that the world before me was the true form of nature, and the only deity I would ever worship.”
I shed so many tears as I read this quote and the story of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate, who also wrote over 57 Books.
'Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.-Elie Wiesel, A Holocaust survivor'… Share on XNever shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.”
Elie Wiesel, A Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate, Writer of over 57 Books
Things that could be better:
While I absolutely related and loved reading this book, I also felt that the author swayed too much towards the nonfiction part. I wanted to know the narrator better. I wanted her to have a face and a strong identity in my mind. And kept waiting for a showdown with her family. While I applauded her for forgiving everyone, I still wanted to see if her family learned anything in the end. The reader in me wanted her to rise as a heroine and get justice for herself. And I wanted to see people who made her unhappy repent and mend their ways.
'We have to lose the people we love sometimes to honor ourselves. That does not mean we do not love them anymore, it just means we respect ourselves enough to not tolerate disrespect.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj… Share on XWe have to lose the people we love sometimes to honor ourselves. That does not mean we do not love them anymore, it just means we respect ourselves enough to not tolerate disrespect.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
But for now, the author makes the narrator generic, a voice for all tormented and suppressed women and men in society who have no personal freedom. So, while this is a powerful book that acts as an agent of hope, this isn’t like other fiction books with a story.
'Help my book serve its purpose, be an agent of positive change, dear Universe. Then my purpose for being alive would have been well served.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XHelp my book serve its purpose, be an agent of positive change, dear Universe. Then my purpose for being alive would have been well served.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
So, if you are looking for a story with a beginning and an end with dramatic flows in between then you will be disappointed. This book is more of a self-help, and motivational book that is like a calm ocean of knowledge rather than a fiction story.
'Life means nothing without freedom of choice.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on XLife means nothing without freedom of choice.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
'To know is to care, to care is to act, and to act is to make a difference.' It all begins with knowing, with being aware.' -#BookQuote #GulmoharDreams @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends Share on X‘To know is to care, to care is to act, and to act is to make a difference.’ It all begins with knowing, with being aware.”
Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
All in all, Gulmohar Dreams by Dharshana Bajaj is an unconventional book that will connect with each and every one of us irrespective of age and gender. It is like a daily dose of inspiration that will motivate readers to live freely and be their best self. So, a book that is not meant to be read in one sitting, this epistolary book is to be savoured entry by entry.
An intelligent book that not only motivates but also enlightens, this is a journey of awareness, taking action, and achieving our dreams. 4.5 out of 5 stars to this beautiful book. And Njkinny recommends this book to all readers above the age of sixteen. Also a splendid book for gifting, go read this powerful book that will leave you food for thought, now!
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Also read Dharshana Bajaj’s Book on Environment Conservation:

Read Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj Book Review and Book Quotes
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