Gaia’s Own | Dharshana Bajaj | Book Review | Every Child’s Guide To Living In Harmony With Nature
Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj is her debut book. This is a creative non-fiction book, for preteens, young adults, and anyone interested in learning more about the interdependence between mankind and the natural world. So, read the book summary, release date, genre, age rating, book quotes, and book review of Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj in this post below.

About Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj:
No. of Pages: 124
Release Date: August 12, 2022
Genre: Children’s Book, Middle Grade, YA, Non-Fiction, Indie Author, Debut
Reading Age: 9 years and above
Can be read as a standalone? YES
Buy From: AMAZON
Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj Book Summary:
Gaia’s Own: Every Child’s Guide To Living In Harmony With Nature is an invitation to every child to get back to the fold, bringing all of humanity with them. Gaia, Mother Earth, is calling. She is calling all her sons and daughters back. It’s time for each of us to rise to the occasion, reset priorities, and follow the way home.”
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
A very relevant book that through poignant and thoughtful conversations between a young girl and her grandfather brings out the ways in which we can help save Earth. And also talks about what we did wrong. So, beautifully mixing history with the present, this is every child’s guide to living in harmony with nature.
"Gaia, Mother Earth, is calling. She is calling all her sons and daughters back. It's time for us to rise to the occasion, reset priorities, and follow the way home…" – #BookQuote Gaia's Own @DharshanaBajaj #BookReview #IARTG on… Share on X

Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj Book Review:
When I heard about Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj, I was intrigued. A book focused on saving nature, and written from the POV of a young girl and her grandfather, my interest was piqued to know how it would invest readers in its aim. Then once I started I was sucked in, and sat engrossed throughout!
The greatest error of a man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his habits, his desires, and thoughts, but not himself. “~ Ramana Maharshi
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
Things I Liked:
Intriguing Book Title:
I was so intrigued by the title “Gaia’s Own”. Ignorant of the meaning of “Gaia”, I was fascinated enough to stop and check out this book.”Gaia” is a Greek word that means “Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life”.
This quote had me nodding my head so hard as I agreed that it is high time we step up to heal our planet.
let us all do our bit as well. For just like our actions in the past have created some unexpected, unpleasant circumstances, hurting the system and our fellow creatures, what we choose to do now and in the future can help fix or heal this planet we call home. It is time for the rest of us to step up and do what we are led to do from within, by our “inner voice”.
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
A book that is so difficult to review:
After reading this thought provoking, and loving every second spent reading it, I am at a loss of words to truly showcase the impact it has had on me. I want to share so much but am afraid I will reveal everything! So, the only thing I can say is that this book is a must read for everyone irrespective of age.
Strong start to a book that sketches a lifestyle closer to nature.
Right from the poignant foreword written by Pushpanath Krishnamurthy, a noted Climate Change Campaigner, where he shares his childhood memories, and learnings that brought him closer to nature, I was already invested.
As a child coming from a low income family, I remember the joy of climbing trees filled with fruits, birds chirping, wild flowers bursting into splendour of colors befriended by lovely butterflies, flying insects and other creatures of different shapes and vigour.”
Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj Book Quote
Then I also adored the beautiful quotes themed on nature, and its conservation used throughout this book.
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
Also an intelligent read that enlightens, and inspires:
This is an intelligent read. And through this book, I learned so much. The author shares facts, figures, ventures, revolutions, and more that people, and civilisations around the world have experienced or are undergoing to save nature. She also shares about historical events, and religious beliefs of past civilisations that were aimed specifically towards conserving nature. Then she also shares case studies of steps humans took in the name of advancement that have in the end, harmed our ecosystem.
A lot of changes are underway, but the problem we’ve created is far bigger. As more of us realign with Nature, learn to be still and mindful, as we transform to be our authentic selves and reconnect with our hearts, all will be well once more.”
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
Simple, fluid, and engaging narration with relatable characters:
So, told simply, and yet engagingly through emails between a young girl called Satvi, and her grandfather, the author not only shows how our forefathers took care of nature, but also shows how we can still protect our planet. Satvi’s school has just started an “Earth hour” and she is inquisitive to know how she can contribute. A child’s curiosity, and her eagerness to help will resonate with all young readers. Then the patient guidance of her grandfather had me reminiscing about my own grandfather who was the same- kind, gentle, and a wise teacher. Sativi’s grandfather not only enlightens her with interesting facts, history, and stories but also gives her fun activities to do with nature!
Start spending as much time as possible out of doors every day, in your garden, terrace, or the park near your home.”
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
Expertly planned book with actionable tips to be more in tune with nature:
All through the book, each chapter is dedicated to an actionable plan to get closer to nature, and conserve it. This book encourages young readers as well as adults to spend time outside, relax with nature, and enjoy. I especially adored the simple tips she shares all through the book that are seemingly so commonplace and yet which we forget to incorporate in our lives. With a young child at home, I loved how I have gotten so many fun activities to do with my kid that are not only character building but also will make our environment cleaner, greener, and more liveable.
Water a plant or plants regularly. If nothing else, you can at least get one pot, with a fresh, new plant, and water that every day. Observe how that grows and changes.”
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
Glossary of words that can be new to readers:
There are many terms, and words used throughout the book that can be new to readers. So, the author has provided an easy to understand glossary at the end for the better understanding of readers, which came in handy for me and my kid as we read this book!
Things that could be better:
Though I absolutely enjoyed reading this non-fiction book, at places I did feel like it was leaning more towards being an environmental journal that could be difficult for young readers to understand. The information while very well researched is too statistical and technical at several places for young readers to fully connect with. So, readers below ten years of age may need adult guidance to understand a few references.
All in all, Gaia’s Own by Dharshana Bajaj is a beautifully written book that covers one of the most relevant topics of current times – need for conservation of nature. Through a relatable, and enlightening dialogue between a young girl and her grandfather, she tries to bring awareness towards this cause. A book that will interest kids as well as adults, this is a book that needs to be savoured. With simple, actionable steps that everyone can adopt to contribute towards saving our natural environment, this is a promising debut that is a must have on your bookshelf. So, 4.5 stars out of 5 to it and Njkinny recommends to everyone. Go buy, read, and gift this beautiful book now, and let’s pledge to do our bit in saving our planet.
This quote sums everything that Gaia is and wants us to do so nicely.
In the end, Nature will triumph. She will reclaim what is hers, but let’s not forget, we are a part of Nature, too. We are Gaia’s own, and she is guiding all of us, she always has been. We just need to start listening again. The universe has our back, always, and humanity will rise to become its own saviour, and the saviour of this planet, inspired by Gaia!
Gaia’s own by dharshana bajaj book quote
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Also Meet Author Dharshana Bajaj:
Dharshana Bajaj is a book editor and visual artist. So she creates paintings and drawings on the theme “Living in Harmony with Nature”. Her philosophy about mankind’s interrelationship with Nature is the basis for this book as well. This is Dharshana’s first book. And as in her art, here, too, you will find an amalgamation of spirituality, science, and art.
Follow her: Facebook | Website
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