Broken | Anna C | ARC Book Review | Heartbreaker Series Book 1
Broken by Anna C is her latest romantic suspense set in Hong Kong, and the first book in “Heartbreaker Series”. Featuring two affluent Indian families, this book is an emotional, thrilling, sensual, and suspenseful journey that will keep you hooked throughout, and then leave you shocked at the end! So, read the book summary, genre, publication date, book quotes, similar book recommendations, and book review of Broken by Anna C in this post below.

About Broken by Anna C:
No. of Pages: 243
Publication Date: 29th June 2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Dark Romance, Adult Romance, Dark Romantic Thriller, Indian Romance, Indie Author
Series: Heartbreaker Series Book 1
Reading Age: 18 years and above
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault, Mention of Rape.
Buy From: AMAZON

Broken by Anna C Book Summary:
Naila meets Aadhyaman in a posh Hong Kong club, and sparks fly. But when they realise their childhood connection, their attraction deepens. However, one damaging incident leaves Naila traumatised, and engaged to Aadhyaman’s elder sociopathic brother. But before Aadi can do something to right this wrong, he is attacked. With challenges arising one after the other, will Naila save herself from the clutches of the vindictive and cruel Akshay? Is there a happy ending for Naila and Aadi’s love story?
And is there someone else apart from Akshay and his money hungry father standing in their way to happiness?
So, with no clues, and so many hidden secrets, this book is a rollercoaster ride that left me gasping in shock one moment, shedding tears of sadness the next to blushing at the sexy chemistry the very next moment!

Broken by Anna C Book Review:
This is my first book by Anna C that I have read, and I am so glad I got introduced to her fantastic books!
Broken is a story that will connect with everyone. Apart from the romance, the main highlight of this book is the contrast between good and evil, and the fight of every woman to live life on her own terms.
"A story that will connect with everyone." Read Broken by @Annacwriter #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #IARTG #RomanticSuspense #FREEWithKU Share on X
Main Characters – Naila, Aadhyaman, Akshay:
Aadhyaman symbolises everything good in a person. He knows right from wrong, and so can’t stand his family’s hypocrisy. Although rich, he believes in hardwork and wants to make his own name.
Then his elder brother, Akshay is his polar opposite. He symbolises everything corrupt in human nature. So, he is arrogant, insensitive to anyone, self-centred, cruel, drunkard, an abuser, and feels himself above everyone. All his criminal and cruel actions are shielded by his parents with money and wilful blindness to his faults. I got so angry and felt such rage as I read about his deeds, and then about how he was shielded by his parents.
The difference in the parents’ affection towards their two sons is so apparent. While Akshay can do no wrong in their eyes, and he is just a young man in his prime enjoying his life, Aadhyaman is generally ignored and seen as a disappointment because of his decision to carve his own path in life.
Loved how the author brought social issues no one wants to talk about to the forefront in this book.
The author sketches a dark, violent, and horrifying picture of how rich men like Akshay abuse their power, and how women become their play toys. I was shocked, felt helpless, and then angry at this gaping disparity in power between men and women. When the heroine gets abused, no one believes her. Even her parents agree with the culprit. And I wanted to rage at them to stop being more concerned about their reputation, and think about their daughter!
So many social injustices are brought to the front through this book, and I applaud the author for being brave enough to write the ugly truth here.
I cheered Naila’s bravery at many places when she showed excellent courage to stand up to the Dubeys. Then I also loved Aadhyaman who is ready to fight for justice and stand against his family.
My parents won’t believe me if I tell them anything because they live in complete denial of the kind of person he has grown into.”
Supporting Characters:
The Dubey parents are snobbish, hypocrites drunk on the power of money. Mr. Dubey is a money hungry man who got corrupt as he became rich. The initial flashback to his poverty days show him as a helpful man but now he is everything oily and dishonest. Mrs. Dubey is social matron who likes to keep up appearances. Unduly biased towards her eldest, she often makes Aadi feel like he is adopted.
Here’s the thing. I don’t understand my parents. I nearly died and all my mother can think of is the wedding. ‘Did you guys adopt me and forgot to tell me?’ I ask her.
The Kapoors are better but nothing to praise about. Mr. Kapoor hasn’t forgotten his poor days and so he doesn’t understand why his only daughter chooses to work and live in a broom closet size flat. He is too concerned about his reputation and name. And doesn’t believe his own daughter when she says she has been abused.
Mrs. Kapoor has no voice. She does as she is told and is easily swayed just not in her daughter’s corner until very late in the book.
My parents don’t believe me. They are just ashamed that they found me in a compromising position with Akshay. But they are unwilling to believe that he tried to force himself on me.”
Sue is a good friend to Naila and she stands with her throughout.
Then there is the security head of the Dubey family, Rohan. He is shown as a dedicated and loyal servant but one who is afraid of Mr. Dubey because he knows his secrets. So, I am very intrigued about Rohan and eager to see what all secrets he is hiding.
Plot and Narration:
Anna’s writing style is fluid, and vivid. She created a technicolour picture in my mind, and I easily traveled to Hong Kong from the comfort of my home here!
The plot is common, and I kept thinking that I had read books with similar scenarios before at many places but it is the twists and turns, and narration that make this a unique story. I loved how the surprises were so well calculated that they kept me engrossed in the story throughout.
Everyone is hiding something. And someone is behind the attack on Aadi and the further events in the book. So, I kept guessing who the villain could be but when the reveal came it was a total bolt out of the blue!
Then the ending left me shocked. This book has a cliffhanger ending that has left me so eager to grab the next book right away. So, I know the wait is going to be very painful!
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Things that could be better:
Initially I felt like things between the MCs were moving too fast but then as the story progressed I understood the swift romance angle. So, in all the author justified her story pacing and relationship progress.
‘Where were you all my life Naila?’ he asks softly, reaching out and holding my hand. He may as well have reached into my chest and squeezed my heart.
However, there are a few grammatical errors that can easily with fixed with a round of editing.
Also while the intimate scenes are tastefully done, I couldn’t connect with them and skipped them. I wanted a more emotional connect in them.
All in all, Broken by Anna C is a romance with a dark theme that raises many hard issues while also managing to keep the readers engaged. I stayed hooked and pulled an all-nighter because once you start you won’t be able to keep this book down!
So, I give it 4 out of 5 stars and Njkinny recommends this thrilling romantic suspense to all adult readers. There is mention of rape, and sexual assault scenes so be aware of these trigger warnings before reading this book.
I am so eager to read the next part and hope it releases soon! So, before it is here go and grab this engrossing read now!
I stayed hooked and pulled an all-nighter because once you start you won't be able to keep this book down! – Read Broken by @annacwriter #BookReview on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #IARTG #FREEWithKU #NewRelease #HeartbreakerSeries Share on X
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Torn by Anna C Book Review, Book Quotes
Meet Author Anna C:
Anna C is a romance writer who has been writing romance novels since February 2020. She has written 9 full length novels and several novellas till date.
Checkout Books by Anna C
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