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Cover Reveal and Giveaway–> Treasure Chronicles #1- Treasure Darkly by Jordan Elizabeth

Beware a Treasure

(Thank you, Amalia Chitulescu, for the stunning cover
art.  It goes so well with the story)

TREASURE DARKLY, book 1 of the Treasure Chronicles
This young adult fantasy introduces the Wild West to a steampunk world, mixed together with romance and a touch of the paranormal.

Seventeen-year-old Clark Treasure assumes the drink he stole
off the captain is absinthe…until the chemicals in the liquid give him the
ability to awaken the dead. A great invention for creating perfect soldiers,
yes, but Clark wants to live as a miner, not a slave to the army—or the
deceased. On the run, Clark turns to his estranged tycoon father for help. The
Treasures welcome Clark with open arms, so he jumps at the chance to help them
protect their ranch against Senator Horan, a man who hates anyone more powerful
than he.

And he is not alone. His new found sister, Amethyst, thinks that’s rather
dashing, until Horan kidnaps her, and all she gets is a bullet through her
heart. When Clark brings her back to life, she realizes he’s more than just
street-smart – and he’s not really a Treasure. Amethyst’s boring summer at home
has turned into an adventure on the run, chock full of intrigue, danger, love,
and a mysterious boy named Clark.
Enjoy the following excerpt…
“Looks like he did drink it up.”The
general client spoke from the right.“Must’ve interacted with all that bloody
hertum.Look at ‘im, he’s bleeding already.”
“What’s it gonna do to him?” the guard
from the morning asked.
“Lots of stuff.”The general
laughed.“When he touches the dead, he’ll be able to bring them back, and
exchange that life for another.Perfect soldier, huh?We only have one vial ready
and I was going to give it to a lucky fellow.Guess it will be this boy.”
“Whatchagonna do with him?”The guard
“Have to be a test subject,” the
general said.“Sure thought it was that Judy who stole my bottle.Pity I killed
her.She sure knew how to make my pecker sing.”
Clark’s mother.
Clark bolted off the ground and ran.He
could hide in the hole under the shed behind the brothel.Mable never found him
under there.He might be cursed with raising the dead—he’d already done that to
the poor mine worker—but it didn’t mean he’d let them take him for tests.
Meet The Author
Jordan Elizabeth, formally Jordan Elizabeth Mierek, is the
author of ESCAPE FROM WITCHWOOD HOLLOW and a contributor to GEARS OF BRASS,
both available from Curiosity Quills Press. 
GEARS OF BRASS includes a short story featuring Amethyst Treasure, one
of the main characters in the Treasure Chronicles.  Check out Jordan’s website,, for contests and book signings.  Jordan is represented by Belcastro Agency and
President of the Utica Writers Club.

Steampunk if often recognized by its unique jewelry.  The Treasure Chronicles include a rugged
“Western” setting, so I went for something with an explorer feel for a
giveaway.  Presenting a beautiful
necklace created by me, Jordan Elizabeth. Open World wide.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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