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Best Indian Freedom Struggle Books List

With India celebrating 75 years since Independence from the British rule, here are the Best Indian Freedom Struggle Books for every patriot. These are the books that depict the hardships, the sacrifices and the dreams of thousands of Indians as they fought with everything they had against a foreign “divide-and-rule” supremacy for freedom. Must reads, these are the books that give inspiration and motivation to every Indian to take the dreams of our forefathers for a prosperous, united and happy nation ahead.

So, read and bookmark this post that contains the List of Books on Indian Freedom Struggle that are not-to-be-missed!

Indian Independence Book List: Top Indian Freedom Struggle Books:

Indian Independence Book List: Top Indian Freedom Struggle books on Njkinny's Blog
India's Struggle For Independence by Bipin Chandra | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

India’s Struggle For Independence by Bipin Chandra

A comprehensive and well-researched account of the Indian freedom struggle, this book takes the readers along a journey starting at the first mutiny in 1857 to the non-cooperation movement by Gandhiji  to the heavy dose tactics and charisma of Subhash Chandra Bose and so one; and covers all parts of India. An inspiring and memorable narrative of India’s independence struggle, this book is a must-read for everyone and a good start for students preparing for competitive examinations like the UPSC examination. Therefore, a book not-to-be-missed!

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There was a greater truth — that of a glorious struggle, hard-fought and hard-won, in which many fell martyrs and countless others made sacrifices, dreaming of the day India would be free. That day had come. The people of India saw that too, and on 15 August — despite the sorrow in their hearts for the division of their land danced in the streets with abandon and joy.”

"There was a greater truth — that of a glorious struggle, hard-fought and hard-won,…, dreaming of the day India would be free. That day had come.”- Bipin Chandra, India's Struggle for Independence | Top Indian Freedom Struggle Books List Share on X
Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre

A true account of the events surrounding Indian Independence and ending with the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, Freedom at Midnight is a vibrant and fluid narrative that transports readers to the 1940s-50s, letting them feel the varied emotions of that time ranging from elation at finally being free to the sadness, grief and negativity of partition that led to riots and so much bloodshed.

This book became an instant bestseller after its publication in 1975 and still holds an important place when Indian Independence books are mentioned. So, go read it now!

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"Freedom at Midnight is the true story of the events surrounding Indian independence…"-Best Indian Freedom Struggle Books for every patriot. #independenceday #india #bookrecommendations Share on X
The Indian Struggle by Subhash Chandra Bose | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

The Indian Struggle by Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose, a charismatic, intelligent and loved Indian Freedom fighter also known as “Netaji” wrote this book that details the India of 1920-42 with his visions for India, his reflections on Indian history and assessment of Mahatma Gandhi’s role in it. A vivid, frank and detailed book, this one is a must-read for everyone looking to better understand the history of India.

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Read these Top Indian Freedom Struggle Books #independenceday #india #bookrecommendations #mustread #booklist Share on X
India Wins Freedom by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

India Wins Freedom by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

From one of the makers of modern India, India Wins Freedom is the heartfelt and true account of the partition of India. For many years this book was kept away from public eye but after the Court verdict in 1988, the complete text was released. So, full of Abul Kalam’s intimate knowledge of events that led to the partition that could have been prevented but was orchestrated by the British to divide India, this book is a must-read for every Indian. The division created by the British for their own benefits still haunts our country and it is high-time to realise the dream of “Unity in Diversity”.

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One of the makers of modern India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, tells the story of the partition of India as never before, with intimate knowledge and feeling in India Wins Freedom. Have you read it? | #mustread Indian Independence Books.… Share on X
The Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

The Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru

Written while he in prison from 1942-46 for Quit India Movement, this book is Jawaharlal Nehru’s homage to his beloved country and its rich culture.

He writes about the historical scriptures like the Vedas and ends with the British rule. His immaculate narration, vivid descriptions and the rich picture he paints of India makes this book a must-read for all Indians. Hence, considered as one of the finest writing on Indian history, The Discovery of India is not-to-be missed.

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India has known the innocence and insouciance of childhood, the passion
and abandon of youth, and the ripe wisdom of maturity that comes from long experience of pain and pleasure; and over and over a gain she has renewed her childhood and youth and age”

Written while he in prison from 1942-46 for Quit India Movement, The Discovery of India is Jawaharlal Nehru's homage to his beloved country and its rich culture. Read the Best Indian Freedom Struggle Books on #njkinnysblog #booklist… Share on X
The Indian War of Independence 1857 by Veer Savarkar | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

The Indian War of Independence 1857 by Veer Savarkar

Published in 1909, The Indian War of Independence 1857 was written by Indian freedom fighter, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. He is also known as “Veer” Savarkar because of his bravery and indomitable strength against the oppression by the British. This book came about as response to Britain’s celebration of suppressing the Indian mutiny of 1857. Savarkar in his book declares the 1857 Independence war as a unified freedom battle against the British rule and is one of the best books to read on the first Indian Independence war. So, don’t miss this one!

Some glaring truths about this book:
• This book became the Bible for Indian revolutionaries.
• The book was proscribed by the British Government before its publication.
• This book was smuggled into India and England after it was published in Holland.
• Demand for this book was so enormous that it used to be sold and resold at the stupendous price of Rs. 300 (in 1910).

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The nation that has no consciousness of its past has no future.”

Book Quote from The Indian War of Independence 1857 by Veer Savarkar
“honour is greater than loss or gain;”-Veer Savarkar, The Indian War of Independence 1857 | Read the Best Indian Freedom Struggle Books on #njkinnysblog #booklist #independenceday Share on X
India Divided by Rajendra Prasad | Best Indian Freedom Struggle Book List on Njkinny's Blog

India Divided by Rajendra Prasad

This book delves into the origins of the Hindu-Muslim conflict and the eventual partition leading to the formation of two states. It proposes solutions to this divide and is a book that will not only take readers down the historical lane but also make then think about the problems we face today. So, a thought-provoking masterpiece from the first President of India, this book is a must-read for all conscientious Indians.

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Remnants of a Separation by Aanchal Malhotra

Remnants of a Separation is a unique attempt to revisit the Partition through objects that refugees carried with them across the border. It is the product of years of passionate research. So, it is an alternative history of the Partition – the first and only one told through material memory that makes the event tangible even seven decades later.

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I hope you liked this book list of the best Indian Freedom Struggle Books that are not-to-be missed. Know any book that should be on this list but isn’t? Then Share the name with me in the comments below and I will add it to the list. Happy reading!

"Swaraj (Self-Rule) is my birthright." -Bal Gangadhar TilakCheckout the Top Indian Freedom Struggle Books on #njkinnysblog. #booklist #independenceday #indianindependence #mustreadbooks Share on X

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