Book Blitz: Physiology of Love by Summerita Rhayne

Physiology of Love by Summerita Rhayne is the latest contemporary romance release from the author that features two Professors falling in love. A short, cozy romance that is characteristic of Summerita’s writing style with well-fleshed out characters and engaging dialogues, I am so excited to share this book with you.
I was fortunate to read it before publication and I loved it.
About Physiology of Love:
Title and Author: Physiology of Love by Summerita Rhayne
No. of Pages: 67
Publication Date: 14th May 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Short Story, Indian Romance
Blurb: Physiology of Love
Dr. Hardik Kashyap is looking forward to a new job and to deepen his friendship with lovely Dr. Aashita when he joins as HOD in Physiology at Central Medical Institute. Unfortunately, his expectations smash to bits. His start at his new post is far from amiable, and as for Dr. Aashita, she sends a shower of angry sparks his way at every meeting. He is willing to keep things at the friendship level, but it seems nothing works with her. As a physiologist, he’s well versed in the regulations of the body functions and the working of the mind, but he just can’t seem to get a handle on the physiology of love.
Excerpt: Physiology of Love by Summerita Rhayne
‘Please, Aashita, let’s discuss this calmly –’
She cast him a smoldering glance and he corrected hastily, ‘Dr. Aashita – ma’am. Why don’t you sit down?’
‘I can listen just as well standing.’ She stood upright and folded her arms.
‘So why exactly did you change the schedule?’
Hardik looked at her, still not believing she’d gone into this attacking mode. He spread his hands in a pacifying gesture.
‘I thought we could work together, you know, seeing how well we got along when you came for the exam at my college. We enjoyed the same food choices together and went sight-seeing and trekking…’
He waited for a reaction and tagged on, ‘I still have the pinecones you painted one evening. Wasn’t that fun?’
When she stiffened and didn’t make any reply, he tried again, spreading his hands in a placating way, ‘As the Head, it’s my job to assign the classes –’
‘So you came prepared to walk all over everyone.’ She unfolded an arm to make a walking gesture with two fingers on his desk top that at any other moment would have been comical. But confronted with her snapping gaze, laughter was the last thing on his mind.
‘Very well, if that’s your way, I should learn to put up with it.’
‘No! Aashita, listen –’ Hardik tried to find the words, but she was gone.
He half rose then sat down again. A frown creased his forehead. It hadn’t been his fault that she didn’t get the schedule and the words were completely uncalled for.
How could he understand what had made her do this? A slow anger at her unjustified rage began to simmer within him.
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About the Author:
Summerita Rhayne writes contemporary and historical romance. She first got published in 2013 and has won contests with prestigious publishers such as Harlequin and Harper Collins India. Most of her books are set in India but have a global feel to the story. At heart, she’s a family person and even though she loves her medical teaching profession, she happily becomes a homemaker when not at work. She loves winding down with music, romcoms and whodunnits.
Author Links:
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This post is part of “Saturday Blitz” weekly meme hosted on Njkinny’s Blog where I feature promising New Releases, Njkinny Recommended Books and Books worth reading.
Also Read:
- Book Blitz: The Hunter by L.J. Shen ~ An enemies-to-lovers romance
- Book Review: Against All Rules by Summerita Rhayne
- Book Review: The Eligible Princess by Summerita Rhayne
- Book Review: Unexpected Valentines by Summerita Rhayne
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